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melisa queen 2012-07-03 08:12

Re: Arch Linux on N900
Could you please write codes about the steps below and tell us where we should write it?!(Arc terminal or Maemo terminal!)

1. Remember to sync
2. Install udev-oxnas to prevent udev and syslog hogging up all resources.
3. Install package watchdog
4. Add watchdog to rc.conf daemons as early as you can. The other watchdog doesn't do anything unless touched so we'll leave it alone.
5. RTC
Put hwclock --hctosys to rc.local.
6. Put hwclock --hctosys to rc.local.
7. Battery and Xorg(I got really confused!)
8. Copy DSP binaries (/lib/dsp) from Maemo.
9. 3G/modem

Make a guide more noobish man ;)

patrikpb 2012-07-03 18:48

Re: Arch Linux on N900

Originally Posted by pinoverclock (Post 1229988)
You're correct with WDT daemon.
I have only found one work arround for conflicting systemd-tools and udev-oxnas, is not quite elegant but it does the trick. Is just pinning those packages, i added this lines to my /etc/pacman.conf:
IgnorePkg = initscripts udev-oxnas systemd-tools mkinitcpio linux-omap linux-headers-omap
(Last 2 packages are optional)

I've got different problem, Iam not updating but installing udev-oxnas and this conflict removes initcripts and systemd-tools (second contains udev, btw this merge of udev and systemd happened at 1st Jul 2012, not so long :mad: ). I tried remove initscipts just from database and they were still in sytsem, there were some missing binaries from systemd-tools, so i've done same thing (installed systemd-tools back and removed them just from db). Both packages were in system but werent in pacman db, so no conflicts. Then I've forced udev-oxnas installation, some file from those 2 normally conflicting pkgs were overwritten. But system still can't boot. "Waiting for Udev uevents to be processed", the last message before WDT reset...

Explanation why this happens can help, maybe here is
another more acceptable way how to boot with common udev...


Originally Posted by melisa queen (Post 1230519)
Make a guide more noobish man ;)

that howto is good, for Arch user without problem :cool:
for other users could be added some Arch wiki links at least

Skry 2012-07-23 12:44

Re: Arch Linux on N900
Hi guys, just dropping by to say I kinda dropped this whole project, lost interest, might get it back though if someone has a spare N900 (in any condition) to donate :) The blog entry is kinda outdated nowadays, you should go with meego kernel and uboot. Please continue discussing about this, I'll be watching and maybe I'll update my howto someday. Thanks.

Estel 2012-07-29 04:11

Re: Arch Linux on N900
Well, it shouldn't differ so much (in terms of achieving milestones) from Ubuntu on N900 project, that is still active.

BTW, out of curiosity what did You do to your N900? Sold it, or lost?

Skry 2012-07-29 09:24

Re: Arch Linux on N900
I still have N900, it is in so much of daily use I've tried to keep it relatively clean of everything unnecessary. I'll continue with this if I find a cheap spare from somewhere, or some discount memory card (unemployed atm, no euros to spare).

Biggest turnoff regarding this project was the fact that I couldnt get the SGX driver to work, no matter what. There is a Finnish word 'huutoraivari' for what I experienced with it, multiple times. Omap gfx drivers on the otherhand work but imo they really need some love. There has been some work going on with them though, if memory serves, might check that out sometime.

There are also, in my opinion that is, almost zero reason to run any OS other than Maemo on N900, I think the effort spent to other OS should preferrably be used on Maemo. So, if I'll continue working with this it's pretty much plain curiosity at this point, nothing more.

Skry 2012-08-20 23:46

Re: Arch Linux on N900
.. and so it happens I decided to rewrite the guide (not done yet), setup repository for N900 (done, though my dropbox got suspended for awhile), do some packaging (kernel, firmwares, dsp binaries and configs packaged, more coming) and finally try to write a small daemon to handle charging, leds and backlight. I have also compiled a special kernel for arch users, which include all (150+) patches from Meego/Mer, partial CK-patchset including BFS scheduler and BFQ i/o scheduler. Yes, very nice, you're welcome. I'll keep you posted.

joshgillies 2012-08-23 07:16

Re: Arch Linux on N900

Thanks for all your hard work on this! Really looking forward to having my preferred desktop flavour of Linux running on my n900!

Skry 2012-08-23 19:16

Re: Arch Linux on N900
You're welcome. Things are looking fine, been working with the kernel which delays everything else I should be doing regarding this. With systemd device now boots in under 10 seconds with default configuration and everything essential seems to be working. I'm currently looking into omapdrm if it can be backported to 2.6.37 with my very limited developer skills, so far I have screen full of grey lines, I guess it's something but gotta keep on working :D

rkelly 2012-08-23 22:46

Re: Arch Linux on N900

Originally Posted by Skry (Post 1244461)
..There is a Finnish word 'huutoraivari' for what I experienced with it, multiple times...

Translation please :p

Skry 2012-08-23 23:11

Re: Arch Linux on N900
Shouting out extreme destructive rage. Or something like that, usually includes or ends in objects thrown against walls. :)

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