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matemana 2020-01-20 08:11

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by edp17 (Post 1564338)
I have done this about two years ago but the concept still works, but collecting dust on the shelf.
The only downside was: on my S7 I could only run Linux on top of Android in a chroot (with the Linux Deploy app) and there were a few limitation:
  • no 3d acceleration as I had to connect to the chroot with VNC
  • I could not make cups working with my network printer (probably this was kernel related as I got it working on my Galaxy S2 with a similar setup, but the S2 was much slower and it had other limitations)
  • on newer Android roms I lost sudo (root only worked if I sshd into the chroot as root)

That is NOT what i want. I did that kind of chroot on nexus 4 about 6 years ago. Although it did not have power to USB port and you needed Y cable for it. That is not usable. I meant chroot on top of SFOS which is much better. Posmarket os on the other hand is real linux without android that's even better. Problem is we can't have video output on these devices YET.

matemana 2020-01-20 08:13

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1564353)
I don't remember which device he was using or how he did it, but I believe n950 is still an active user here. [Edit] Or maybe that was Jakibaki?

Yes i also have seen that post and if you search it you will see i asked him about it but he never answered me :(

matemana 2020-01-20 08:28

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1564450)
No idea how to get the keyboard installed, without a keyboard, but i used xvkbd via apt-get to type @ since it is missing in my 3rd-level-less hwkbd layout.

On Performance, the Nexus 5 is roughly 4 times slower in storage access than the Proš.
Nexus 5 is 4.7Mb/sec read speed and Proš whooping 18.73Mb/sec according to sysbench.
Jolla Phone was only 1.14Mb/sec.

Memory speed is only a bit faster on Proš:
Proš 403.3 Mb/sec
Nexus 5 375.23 Mb/sec
Jolla 1 195.15 Mb/sec

Calculating prime numbers up to 2000 with two cores:
Proš 3.77sec
Nexus 5 5sec
Jolla Phone 9sec

Now half that time for nexus 5 with quad core and 1/4 the time for Proš with octacore should give a rough idea why xfce lags on Nexus 5.

This guys on xda have done amazing job.

As they say it's faster in both ways RAM and Storage. Also it's crazy mod 3 GB RAM + 64 GB STORAGE on nexus 5. I wish i could do it. I only have done battery mod on nexus 5.

Kabouik 2020-01-20 08:57

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by mankir (Post 1564473)
i have a problem with option menues in apps. even when the app is rendere ok, the buttons and dropdowns in settings menu are way to large, so most of the settings are out of the screen and not reachable. i am not sure, if this is because of missing style in sfos or wrong dpi setting, may be it is only a missing environment variable?

If this is happening in all applications within XFCE4, I would say it looks like a DPI issue, however for me altering the DPI changed both the menus and the application windows, so I am surprised that only one of those is off in you case. You can have a look in Settings > Appearance > Fonts. My DPI is set to 160 on a 2160×1080 display (the UI is quite small with these settings but I like it).

There is also a Window scaling setting in Settings > Appearance > Settings, mine is set to 1× but I know some prefer having it set to 2×. Be careful not to set it to 2× if your DPI is already set to make the UI look larger, otherwise the windows won't fit in the screen anymore and it will be difficult to change the scaling back to 1×. If that happens, you can move windows using Alt+Click if you have a keyboard, or using the window menu (click on the left icon in the title bar).

If stuck after changing the above setting, you can also change the window scaling factor in Settings > Settings Editor > xsettings, and the option will be on the top plus you can navigate through the individual options using the up/down arrows of a keyboard if the options you want is out of the screen. The DPI settings are also in this settings page, if you scroll down.

If you are unsure, just make a backup of you ext4 file in the sailfish_ubu_chroot folder before altering the xsettings.

n950 2020-01-20 19:58

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by matemana (Post 1564541)
This guys on xda have done amazing job.

As they say it's faster in both ways RAM and Storage. Also it's crazy mod 3 GB RAM + 64 GB STORAGE on nexus 5. I wish i could do it. I only have done battery mod on nexus 5.

Two years ago i mod my Nexus with more RAM too.
I can show you if i find it :-)

n950 2020-01-20 20:10

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1564353)
I don't have video out on the Proš either, although the hardware should be there (through USB-C). I heard that elros34 managed to have video output on a SFOS port on the Photon Q, so there is hope and it may already work for some devices, but don't know who has the motivation and skills to work on that on the Proš.

sailfish_ubu_chroot with xfce4 does not rotate either; or it does, but it will just fill the top part of the screen and will be cropped on the right due to non-matching ratios. This is a non-issue on the Proš though, since I only use Ubu chroot with the keyboard open (I almost never have to touch the screen with it, I mapped everything I need to custom keybindings). However I remember seeing a post by n950 here in this thread that showed chroot and a desktop environment in portrait mode. I don't remember which device he was using or how he did it, but I believe n950 is still an active user here. [Edit] Or maybe that was Jakibaki?

Performance on the Proš is nice, but I don't know how it would be on older devices. I remember Easydebian was a bit too slow on the N900, and I haven't really tried chrooting with devices whose performance was somewhere between the N900 and the Proš. I did on my Jolla C and I think it was acceptable, but I barely used it due to the lack of hardware keyboard, so can't really say.

On Xperia X and XA2 Plus.

mosen 2020-01-20 21:06

Re: XWayland Victory!
Which virtual keyboard is that?
Do you still know the package name?

I am using xvkbd but it is very badly labeled. It has 3 chars shown on each key and it is quite unreadable.

preflex 2020-01-20 23:27

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1564559)
Which virtual keyboard is that?
Do you still know the package name?

Looks like onboard.

Kabouik 2020-01-21 00:37

Re: XWayland Victory!
I would say Onboard too (I suggested it to edp17 in post #277 but not sure if he tried).

mosen 2020-01-21 00:42

Re: XWayland Victory!
that could be onboard, right. Thx for the hint!
I settled with florence now.

edp17 2020-01-21 10:55

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1564565)
I would say Onboard too (I suggested it to edp17 in post #277 but not sure if he tried).

Thanks for the advise.
However, unfortunately I could not try that because I messed up my ubuntu chroot image. :D First I changed the DPI to something large, then I accidentally set the Window scaling to 2x. Well, that was a bad idea as you stated in one of your previous comments. (I wish would have read that before.)
Finally I could not revert this change and because the whole experience was really slow on Nexus 5 anyway, I deleted that rom where I installed the ubuntu chroot.

Having 4 roms already on my Nexus 5 do not let me much extra space, so i cannot really make a backup of the ext4 file. (In this scenario the extra storage would come handy.)
So, maybe once I can free up some space I will re-try again and let you know the outcome.

edp17 2020-01-21 11:14

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by matemana (Post 1564539)
That is NOT what i want. I did that kind of chroot on nexus 4 about 6 years ago. Although it did not have power to USB port and you needed Y cable for it. That is not usable. I meant chroot on top of SFOS which is much better. Posmarket os on the other hand is real linux without android that's even better. Problem is we can't have video output on these devices YET.

I know this is not what you wanted. I would also prefer a native linux on my phone, but this was the closest I could get where the speed was not an issue.
The same experience (full linux distro in a chroot) on the Nexus 5 is worse (at least for me) because the Nexus 5 way less powerful that the S7.
On the S7 the ubuntu in the chroot was very fast! I didn't feel any lag or whatsoever. Within the chroot I installed/used Window XP with qemu and the speed of the XP was faster than the speed of the ubuntu in chroot in my Nexus 5!
I think this is pretty good if you bear in mind that the qemu emulated a full x86 pc for the XP on my S7. (I have tried too the Limbo PC emulator android app but that speed was way far from what I got with qemu.)
I even installed a Windows 7 on the S7. Well, that was very slow but worked ok-ish. It felt like running Windows 98 on a 486-SX. :)

I understand you fully support PMOS as that is pure linux without any android layer, but until that matures into a rom what I can use with, at least the same compromise how I am currently using SailfishOS, PMOS is not a viable option for me.
However if I can build a usable Sailfish image for my S7 I may remove the multirom on my Nexus 5 and will try PMOS. (If it worked with multirom I would already have installed/tried.)

edp17 2020-01-21 11:26

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by matemana (Post 1564541)
This guys on xda have done amazing job.

As they say it's faster in both ways RAM and Storage. Also it's crazy mod 3 GB RAM + 64 GB STORAGE on nexus 5. I wish i could do it. I only have done battery mod on nexus 5.

Yeah, this is really crazy! (I am just thinking about the 13 motherboard he destroyed and the countless other chips until he succeeded. ;) )
I am also not sure why the phone became faster after this upgrade as they didn't upgrade the cpu. I understand the phone has got faster components (memory and storage) but I cannot imagine a significant difference without upgrading the cpu + the other components.
We will see how he done that once he posts the steps and instructions. :D

n950 2020-01-21 12:23

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by edp17 (Post 1564586)
Yeah, this is really crazy! (I am just thinking about the 13 motherboard he destroyed and the countless other chips until he succeeded. ;) )
I am also not sure why the phone became faster after this upgrade as they didn't upgrade the cpu. I understand the phone has got faster components (memory and storage) but I cannot imagine a significant difference without upgrading the cpu + the other components.
We will see how he done that once he posts the steps and instructions. :D

I have found my Nexus 5x with 4 GB RAM.
is it possible to install sfos on it?

Kabouik 2020-01-21 12:50

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by edp17 (Post 1564584)
Thanks for the advise.
However, unfortunately I could not try that because I messed up my ubuntu chroot image. :D First I changed the DPI to something large, then I accidentally set the Window scaling to 2x. Well, that was a bad idea as you stated in one of your previous comments. (I wish would have read that before.)
Finally I could not revert this change and because the whole experience was really slow on Nexus 5 anyway, I deleted that rom where I installed the ubuntu chroot.

Having 4 roms already on my Nexus 5 do not let me much extra space, so i cannot really make a backup of the ext4 file. (In this scenario the extra storage would come handy.)
So, maybe once I can free up some space I will re-try again and let you know the outcome.

Sad! Perhaps you could have rescued it using the xsettings window though.

For next tries, you could just store the backup on your computer using "sftp://nemo@ip" in the address field of your Linux file manager, or using "scp nemo@ip:/path/to/the/file/on/phone /path/to/the/folder/of/your/choice/on/pc" in terminal.

ric9K 2020-01-21 14:39

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1564590)
Sad! Perhaps you could have rescued it using the xsettings window though.

For next tries, you could just store the backup on your phone using "sftp://nemo@ip" in the address field of your Linux file manager, or using "scp nemo@ip:/path/to/the/file/on/phone /path/to/the/folder/of/your/choice/on/pc" in terminal.

Yes, and you can also mount your phone into a directory of your PC with sshfs:

$ sshfs -o idmap=user,allow_other root@ /mnt/n900
Change the user, IP, and /mount dir to your needs.

edp17 2020-01-22 08:48

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1564588)
I have found my Nexus 5x with 4 GB RAM.
is it possible to install sfos on it?

You can install this older image or try to build a new one using the current hadk.

This page says the bluetooth and camera do not work on bullhead but if you build a new image, this can be fixed. ;)

(I think it is a similar scenario to my galaxy s7. I have found an old image that I finally could install and try on the device. But that image being old and experimental version doesn't really can be used as a daily driver, so I decided to try building a new image for the s7. I am currently in the process but also started thinking about replacing it with a Xperia XA2. However in that case I would ose the fun of porting. :D)

edp17 2020-01-22 08:52

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by ric9K (Post 1564594)
Yes, and you can also mount your phone into a directory of your PC with sshfs:

$ sshfs -o idmap=user,allow_other root@ /mnt/n900
Change the user, IP, and /mount dir to your needs.

Thank you!
I like this one and think this is a very useful trick! :D If the phone is actually part of the PC's file system, that eliminates the need of filezilla or other file transfer as I can simply copy/paste files from and to it.

edp17 2020-01-22 09:09

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1564590)
Sad! Perhaps you could have rescued it using the xsettings window though.

For next tries, you could just store the backup on your phone using "sftp://nemo@ip" in the address field of your Linux file manager, or using "scp nemo@ip:/path/to/the/file/on/phone /path/to/the/folder/of/your/choice/on/pc" in terminal.

I know it is sad.
If I mess it up again I will remember to use the xsettings. In this occasion it would be difficult as I didn't have keyboard installed so I was not able to type any commands.

Plus to be honest I didn't want to install this on my daily rom because I have tried some other chroot solutions earlier and all of those attempts were ended up with a messed up rom and I needed to re-install and re-configure everything. Therefore with this one I decided to try this on a separate rom and when I messed up the window scaling AND didn't have keyboard in the ubuntu AND ran out of space AND the speed of the ubuntu was much slower than I expected, I decided to remove the rom including the chroot.

Hopefully soon I can free up some space and will re-try as I want a usable desktop linux on my phone. The best part of using the Nexus 5 and SailfishOS is if something is missing for the ubuntu from the kernel, I can change that in there anytime. All of my other solutions on the S2 and S7 were lack of this option. When something wasn't working in the chroot because of a missing kernel config, I got stuck and could not change.

Kabouik 2020-01-22 09:20

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by edp17 (Post 1564631)
Thank you!
I like this one and think this is a very useful trick! :D If the phone is actually part of the PC's file system, that eliminates the need of filezilla or other file transfer as I can simply copy/paste files from and to it.

This should work with the sftp:// protocol too, you'll just see the phone's directories in your file manager. There are differences with sshfs, I'm just not sure about the pros and cons of either protocol.

n950 2020-03-11 12:12

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by preflex (Post 1525969)
Sneak preview screenshot of manager app:


Can you please upload this application.

I would like to test it on my Jolla C.

If you have all rootfs files saved.

Thank you

n950 2020-03-11 12:16

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1537530)

is it possible to run Archlinux on Xperia X with SFOS

Anybody try?

anybody know where can I find all archives files please

woidboy 2020-06-29 19:21

Re: XWayland Victory!
I've installed a chroot and the Chromium browser based on the scripts provided by

If there is no qxcompositor installed, the browser does not start and if I install the qxcompositor it starts in landscape mode. However, I would like to have the browser in portrait mode. Is there a setting where I can change the orientation?

I don't have a hardware keyboard but maybe the virtual keyboard from the webstore
works. Did anyone of you try this out?

elros34 2020-07-02 17:35

Re: XWayland Victory!
Scripts were inspired by Preflex work. Besides mention about it in README now I have changed license from BSD to GPL because that was probably initial license of Preflex's scripts and added him as a author to sources. Sorry for not doing it earlier.

Also I renamed it from ubuntu to linux and refactored scripts so other distros can be used. I was hoping to swich to debian because ubuntu use snaps for chromium now and that doesn't work in chroot but so far apps in debian 11 crash both with mesa and with libhybris. So for now only new distro is sailfish rootfs (kind of sdk). It can be used to compile and build packages without breaking device (libhybris -> mesa transition).

There is no ready to use script to do this but quick test with matchbox I did allow me to start chromium in portrait. It could be also done without matchbox: with --window-size= arg for chromium and that browser addon but in my test that didn't work in all cases. Don't expect too much. All is very hacky.

WAYLAND_DISPLAY=../../display/wayland-0  Xwayland & # make sure to run it when device is in portrait mode
sudo apt install matchbox
matchbox-session &
matchbox-keyboard &

woidboy 2020-07-11 11:49

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1568161)
There is no ready to use script to do this but quick test with matchbox I did allow me to start chromium in portrait. It could be also done without matchbox: with --window-size= arg for chromium and that browser addon but in my test that didn't work in all cases. Don't expect too much. All is very hacky.

WAYLAND_DISPLAY=../../display/wayland-0  Xwayland & # make sure to run it when device is in portrait mode
sudo apt install matchbox
matchbox-session &
matchbox-keyboard &

Thanks for your hints! Unfortunately, the default user is not in the sudoers list, so I cannot run `sudo apt install matchbox`. Shall I mount the ext4-file and add the user to /etc/sudoers or is there another workaround?

elros34 2020-07-11 12:22

Re: XWayland Victory!
sudo should works out of the box so something goes wrong during image creation. You should have /.ubuntu/usr/share/sfchroot/.create_finished.

preflex 2020-07-16 07:07

Re: XWayland Victory!

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1568161)
Scripts were inspired by Preflex work. Besides mention about it in README now I have changed license from BSD to GPL because that was probably initial license of Preflex's scripts and added him as a author to sources. Sorry for not doing it earlier.

Don't sweat it. Thanks! You are correct that the stuff I wrote was GPLv3. I have no idea to what extent my license applies to your work.

Sorry I've been AWOL. Lots of heavy stuff going on. Additionally, I've been stuck with a Nexus 4 on SFOS Try as I might, I've never been able to get a newer version up to snuff. Thus, I've been stuck on an ancient SDK, and development has seemed not worthwhile unless I can build for recent versions.

On the bright side, I ordered a pinephone today, so at least I won't be infuriated by hybris anymore. As I understand it SFOS on Pine still has some rough edges. Given my bizarre personal situation (and pandemic and whatnot) I don't know when I'll be able to contribute.

I deleted all of my github repos the same minute the MS buyout was announced. After what Elop did to us, I'm kind of shocked that any TMO folk still use them. The Idea that users would have to go through MS to access my work disgusts me even more than its unavailability (which I'm also ashamed of, but less ashamed than I would be by still having a github account in 2020).

It isn't currently on my desktop, because my SSD crashed a few weeks ago, but the code persists on a spare drive which is currently difficult for me to access. It's a low priority for me. I have bigger fish to fry, including housing and personal safety.

I've yet been unable to move over to Gitlab. I'd prefer a self hosted instance, however, I just don't have the code at my fingertips. But FSCK MICROSOFT FOREVER! I will never ever, ever, ever cooperate with them in any way.

levone1 2020-09-06 13:56

Re: XWayland Victory!
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by preflex (Post 1522995)
I hope these attached properly.

I'm using containers, and have issues with fitting programs to the screen. I've tried forcing settings with xrandr, and kwin_wayland, but no effect. Have any ideas about how I could scale the display?

Phone is Xperia XZ2c, running SFOS, community port.

I was able to launch a window with kwin_wayland <width> <height> --xwayland &, but it's just an empty window. Not sure how to get it to connect with container...

edit - nvm, I got it...

levone1 2021-09-28 14:07

Re: XWayland Victory!
Anybody here have any insight into this...
(same issue here)


levone1 2022-02-24 11:51

Re: XWayland Victory!
@preflex @edp17 (or anyone) - Any idea about this - ?

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