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Maemish 2019-08-16 11:54

Appdownloader not installing (CASE CLOSED. REFLASHED DEVICE)
Yes, I did wrong. I upgraded having devel repo on use. Result: First noticed that soma radio crashes on start. Now noticed that cutetube2 crashes on start. And cssu appdownloader crashes on start. I uninstalled all and installed back but they still crash and when I installed cssu appdownloader it said that "cannot install". It still installed it but it crashes.

So the upgrade has changed something necessary. Does anyone know what it could be or how to find out? I have also noticed since I started with N900 that on updates with console in the end there comes lines "should be 1.3 but found " without further stating what version has been found. But that has not really been of any problem before I think.

I would really appreciate any help (mocking of me of my already obvious stupidity is not the best help but if it is the price for getting help you are free to do it also). I'm like the guy hired to test what can go wrong except that no one hired me. But helping me may still benefit the community.

So what I have done to get here is that I have installed both cssu testing and devel enablers, made an upgrade with devel repos on use (cssu devel, extras-devel and extras-development) and then apt-get -f install (probably also apt-get --fix-missing). Yes, it is like shooting with a shotgun yourself. I'm running cssu testing with power53 kernel and overclocked with batterypatch to 805 (this is not an overclock problem which starts on 950 with my phone).

Are there some right commands to check from right places to show the right files needed for cssu working properly? Or is there some obvious packet to remove or to install or make re-install? All this stuff is unknown to me. Application manager installs fine other than testing apps and they seem to work.

I will try now installing the appdownloader through console if it would tell me something more.

Edit: Appdownloader was installed with apt-get without any alerts that I got with application manager but still it just crashes on start.

Maemish 2019-08-16 12:34

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
1 Attachment(s)
I tried to install cutetube2 through console to see what errors it gives. Well a lot of dpkg errors and said that /usr/bin/dpkg gave error code 1. Ok, so if I go to see /usr/bin/dpkg I will find what causes these problems. Was I supriced to see what was in there! Is this some kind of a joke, do I need a tool to read some scripts right or is there an elf living in my N900?

endsormeans 2019-08-16 12:59

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
wow man...

I completely understand why you don't want to hear any jokes ...
and there are about 50 in me screaming to get out right at this moment...

But I will refrain.

I would suggest doing a complete scrub.
Reflash ...and start again.

Its fine to enable devel and development for download / installation of the progs and bits and pieces you need...
But staying in devel is not a good idea...
especially using term afterwards to affect change that draws on devel and development ...

apt get force install is normally akin to trying to getting the "prize" back into a box of cereal ....without dumping the all the cereal into a big bowl first...and without the box being "bag" shaped afterwards.
It is a blunt tool in the toolbox ...force install...


I would say your "apt-get fix missing" definitely also pulled from devel / development ...
and it worked...
as the screenshot shows ..
it "fixed the missing " very well.

Maemish 2019-08-16 17:22

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
I don't want to reflash because I already know how to do that. But I don't know what was broken now or how to either fix it or prevent it from happening again. I think I could learn now a lot, maybe to opt out wrong packages when updating or upgrading and probably also learn where different kinds of stuff is stored and how to get it and install to right places.

Now I think this could be some kind of qt problem or then something else. But you mentioned the 'force install'. Have to say that from the way you use words makes it sometimes hard for me to understand correctly what you mean. Like now I'm not 100% sure do you suggest me to force install appdownloader or the other apps or not.

But I hope to learn how to make upgrade without breaking anything. Now I made the uppgrade and almost everything seems to work. It would not need a lot to learn how to prevent this to happen also to others.

endsormeans 2019-08-16 18:48

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
Sorry for any confusion there Maemish...
I know some folks may throw around the usage of force install casually...
But if something doesn't install right in the first place the proper way ..
Taking a wrong puzzle piece and a mallet and beating a piece into place that never was meant to fit that way...
Is perhaps a better imagery to use.

I don't force install anything ....personally.
nor do I leave devel or development enabled while issuing terminal commands to update fix missing ...

I can't be 100% sure...
Since you haven't given a blow by blow account of everything exactly done...from the moment of reflash.
(Personally I video and say what I am doing next ...then pause it until the next step of whatever I am doing is easier than writing it down...and better than audio...and I can flip through it to see what I did where and narrow down cause and effect...and be certain what the cause and effect are ...)

And I don't gamble unless the odds are definitely in my favour..
and Maemish man ...leaving devel /development enabled and doing what you have done with "fix missing" ...and goodness knows what else you have done before that.... not documented ...
you said it yourself ...
"I don't know what was broken now or how to either fix it or prevent it from happening again"
I can point to devel and development still enabled while playing with term as a certainty of the reason.
Definitely I could point to "cause and effect" here.

If you also do not know exactly what caused this also means a documentation issue ...
if you go off site and do stuff that no one else does or isn't normally prescribed methods or is experimental and there isn't much info on cause and effect except warnings....
You need to be thorough in documentation .
I know you know how to reflash already.
That isn't the point.

I suggest you reflash and start over with exacting documentation ..
It is easier to hit the record button every time you go to do something... than writing it down ....or not recording it at all...
and test the n900 in between ....every experimental thing you are doing...
to make sure you nip issues where the start.

and it isn't exactly a desirable thing to do...reflash...reflash and reflash again..
But when experimenting gets used to doing it over and over ...while working on a you can replicate the failure using a clean and documented much as replicate the success using a clean and documented device.

Maemish 2019-08-16 19:08

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
Hear hear. Just hoping someone who knows about those things will be like: "Hey, it could be this or that and you could use this command and give the output so I can tell which parts contradict how it should be as I have on my output". I'm a believer so I believe almost everything is possible and that when you share what you know and do it affects that others share and do too. Not that people here would not be doing or sharing all the time and since the time being. I just wait and see if magic happens. Just had from one member here a message concerning one other stuff which fullfilled that what I had believed and waited to happen. You share and trust and sometimes it just works.

endsormeans 2019-08-16 19:18

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
and even so...
but any help in the form of solutions this point ...coming from others.... will be guessing on their part, without you offering blow by blow documentation of what you did.

The only thing that sticks out ...that with certainty I can point to...that you said you have been doing term stuff while keeping devel and development enabled...
which is not a good idea at all...
it is known to be a big contributor to problems like what you are currently facing.

Past that ...
I would be irresponsible and cavalier with YOUR device ...
If I offered advice on how to solve a problem ....running on "guessing" what your problem is ...with zero documentation to go on.

juiceme 2019-08-16 19:21

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
I fully concur with what @endso is saying; using apt on console with multiple repositories that are not coherent together is asking for trouble. There are lot of packages with dependencies written so that dpkg thinks it can fulfill but end up with conflicting requirements. And if something does not cleanly install then adding --force will just make the install succeed without pulling in needed packages...

And regarding the elf you suspect that's burrowed into your device, yes; in fact there's a whole elfin family living in there...

endsormeans 2019-08-16 19:35

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
elfin family...
that is good juice...

I prefer smurfs ...
and think of myself as a n900 Gargamel

endsormeans 2019-08-16 20:40

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
So accurate punning aside.

The sanest advice you will hear on your problem is this Maemish...

Do a reflash.
Document everything if you do from the beginning....including your reflash...
So you have a bulletproof step by step of what happened where.
You go "off site" (as I like to call it...) and start experimenting ...then you have full documentation of what happens where.
The bad...and the good...
your unfavourable or favourable results can then be replicated .
your problems or successes can pin pointedly be scrutinized by those who can help ...and they SEE where the error or benefit originated.
Otherwise you are just "lucking out" with successes you have no idea how they occurred or how to replicate them...
you are stuck in a mess ...likewise with no doc as to how exactly you got there...hoping someone says "Try this _____ ..." ....where they have no more clue than you as to what the hell results will occur from the trying...
THAT is Russian Roulette my friend.
And you are doing it with your n900 ...
which could end up in far worse shape than a simple reflash may ever fix.

sure install from devel and development ...
Know the risks of whatever you install and what conflicts there may be with other things already or you intend to install.
If there are no stated risks with what you are installing from devel / development cats. ...and you discover a conflict that creates issues on your n900...
you then have the documentation to show what interacts badly with what...
and you can post that as a certainty ...and a warning for others to avoid.
Then...reflash and follow your own docs to the point just before the problems began...
and continue with your experimentation.

And lastly ...
Don't go leaving devel and development enabled after installing something successfully ..
disable devel cats and re enable say ...reg cats ...again..
and don't utilize and install from different levels of cats at the same time...
normal extras ...testing extras and devel really need to keep their distance from each other ...
Don't enable any 2 or all 3 levels of cats at the same time and install stuff.
and playing with term and apt-getting or apt fixing is wielding a very big stick ...know exactly the effect of doing so are before just doing it...
and know what cats you have enabled at the time...

for example...JUST like any linux distro...when you install the system you choose during install which level of cats you want to pull from...regular stable cat , testing, or developmental / bleeding edge ...
But changing cats to install this or that from different levels ...will set you up for potential conflicts...
if you have stuff installed from various levels ...reg. testing and development ...on your device...and you properly enable say regular extras ...after installing from testing or devel cats ....and then you apt-get or apt fix or apt is going to pull in what is needed from the regular extras , ...and most likely will conflict across the board with whatever you have installed that could conflict...from testing or devel. ... get it?
It will try to add packages for a prog that may or will have the same requirements for other progs for testing and devel progs ...but a different version...or your testing and devel progs may be required to purge ...purge and flush simultaneously others...and make a big mess you cannot unsnarl ..
You can do everything right Maemish... but because you are utilizing across possibly 3 catalogs ...using apt any general format going to have repercussions that are massive ..
If you wish to experiment....and use apt.
Stick to one level of cats...2 at the most.....and keep them stable and testing...or testing and devel.. and never install from the others...if you intend on swinging a big apt stick...
It will limit the damage ...
but with even 2 different cat levels ...expect damage ...
It won't be as 3 levels of cat programs ...but you will still have damage..

In fact...
I am sure there are warnings about utilizing the different cat levels...
as well as warnings about how to use apt...
for the n900

For sure..
I for sure know that another individual just recently hit the install "all" button for 64 repos ..
enabling every possible conflicting cat , empty cat ...and dead cat along with it...
creating chaos for his cats.
This person was paying attention to only part of the instructions and not the whole...nor followed through with the warnings...
I pointed out what he needed to read ...

But I think for both of you ...
to quote Dr Strange...
"They really should put the warnings at the beginning of spells..."

Maemish 2019-08-17 05:02

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
Yes, very good advices of what I should be aware in the future and what not to do. Just waiting is there some member who is as curious as I am to know what happened and broke appdownloader and knows how to get to see it. I maybe can't give step by step log of what I did but that doesn't mean nothing could be made of from the differences of my system compared to a working one.

juiceme 2019-08-17 09:40

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
It is nigh impossible to say from afar without having the device with me what exactly is wrong. The only advice anyone could give is the way one would debug it having access to the device;
  • check all logs and dmesg
  • take a listing of all installed packages and compare existance and version to a known good device
  • check relevant init and config files
  • start the appliction under trace and see what calls fail
  • etc. etc...
There are many ways to check what is going wrong but it all depends... you are the only one who can do it, unless you allow remote shell access for somebody to check it.

endsormeans 2019-08-17 12:31

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
I can save you a ton of waiting for someone else to come and say it...
as far as appdownloader goes...
If you are wondering what borked it.
Naturally it will be the cat issues ..and .conflicts springing from using apt while devel or other cats are enabled...or multiple cats are enabled...

And the result is a given.

There isn't anything starkly remarkable or unique about your situation or results...Maemish...

All the symptoms are characteristic of enabled cats that shouldn't have been...and use of apt to "force install" and "fix missing"...thereby drawing on cats stuff that shouldn't have been ...
And purging stuff that shouldn't have been purged...
Leaving you with a snarly mess I wouldn't even try to untangle ..
I am sure your issues are systemic....deep and far reaching.
Couldn't pay me to undo such a mess.

Nothing unique about the situation though...

Best is to reflash ...and document everything you do from that moment....

Maemish 2019-08-17 14:53

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
2 Attachment(s)
@juiceme: Now we are talking. I will now ask some guidance unless these couple of screenshots from dmesg tell enough.

Endsormeans mentioned about scizophrenic device. For me what dmesg shows makes to think my device does not know what it wants to do. I just don't know at all what I should look from here. And the output was so long that I could not scroll it to the beginning in console cause it shows always in console only the last part of the output when it is long enough/too long. Don't know how to see the rest of it.

But you also mentioned checking logs. Which, where and how? With some command probably? I don't know this stuff but learning as I write or as you answer. Never debugged anything.

You also mentioned to use trace when opening app. This seems like a good suggestion which could give some info. How it is used? Do I just go sudo gainroot and then write "trace appdownloader"? And have to ask: without cssu appdownloader I can download apps. Is that called something else than appdownloader, like application manager or something? Just wanting to be sure what to trace when I get to know how to trace. EDIT: tried 'trace appdownloader'. Result: /bin/sh: trace: not found EDIT: installed strace and tried 'trace appdownloader' but not found. I must do something wrong. And now the application manager installed appdownloader without errors but it still crashes. There drops the processor out first and after a short moment it crashes. What repos should I have on?

After these I may ask more.

Maemish 2019-08-17 15:01

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
@juiceme: You mentioned to check relevant init and config files. Sounds good idea. How to do it and which are relevant? And this word 'relevant' is the word I like. If someone knows what is relevant to check and in thia kind of a problem with appdownloader. But if something clearly tells that device is so messed that no point to use time to check more - I will reflash. Just would first like to get some real information that this case is that bad.

juiceme 2019-08-17 21:02

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1559182)
You also mentioned to use trace when opening app. This seems like a good suggestion which could give some info. How it is used? Do I just go sudo gainroot and then write "trace appdownloader"? And have to ask: without cssu appdownloader I can download apps. Is that called something else than appdownloader, like application manager or something? Just wanting to be sure what to trace when I get to know how to trace. EDIT: tried 'trace appdownloader'. Result: /bin/sh: trace: not found EDIT: installed strace and tried 'trace appdownloader' but not found. I must do something wrong. And now the application manager installed appdownloader without errors but it still crashes. There drops the processor out first and after a short moment it crashes. What repos should I have on?

After these I may ask more.

Yes, the correct command is strace. Now you need to figure ot what is the binary for "appdownloader" to trace it.

juiceme 2019-08-17 21:06

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1559183)
@juiceme: You mentioned to check relevant init and config files. Sounds good idea. How to do it and which are relevant? And this word 'relevant' is the word I like. If someone knows what is relevant to check and in thia kind of a problem with appdownloader. But if something clearly tells that device is so messed that no point to use time to check more - I will reflash. Just would first like to get some real information that this case is that bad.

By relevant I meant whatever this "appdownloader" of yours is using; possibly something apt-related.
But in your case reflash is the easiest way to go unless you want to dig in the matter for purely educational reasons.

Maemish 2019-08-18 06:43

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
My motivations are curiosity, will to learn, not wanting to give up but to learn to fix. But I have this problem: something is preventing me from starting to learn linux from the start (I have linux guides but just can't read them). And because I don't have any basic knowledge (not knowing what are apt proc var lib bin etc. and what is their place in the system, what for they are) I don't understand any information for help unless it is in the form

"First open xterm. Write sudo gainroot (was so annoyed before when with different systems people just say "go root" without telling how), write this line which does this. Then go to another directory this way and write this line which makes this to happen."

So this is my situation. I understand that this may be really annoying for everyone else - except for the one guy who is in flames if he gets the opportunity to teach linux to a newbie! So I have asked now help in hope there would be that kind of a person who genuinely is in flames if he gets to help and explain things to a guy who don't know basic knowledge.

I don't expect anyone else to help me the way I need. Why? Because it takes time and if explaining linux stuff to someone who don't understand easily is not your thing - the thing you want to spend your time, maybe even hunt for these situations - you will be annoyed with me and that I don't want.

I wait for a while if there would be this kind of a person. Others do not bother. If there isn't I just reflash which is fine.

If someone wonders why I think there could be this kind of guy I described, it is because I am that guy on another field of information and also with linux as far as I have learned to use it: ready to use time to explain in detail cause my main goal is to get the other person to really understand what I mean and why and how something works. But not hoping anyone who is not that kind of a person to try to be. It will not be of any fun for either side.

endsormeans 2019-08-18 07:43

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
First you have to understand a couple of things...
The folks you are frustrated at for telling you to "go root"...
Are primarily saying this because if you are using linux ...even as a newbie...
Terminal is a given ....they are expecting you know the most basic of basics.
Especially how to do the most basic first thing.
How to enable administrative terminal so you can execute the most basic commands you may know.
As well the same folks telling you "go root"...
Are being helpful without confusing you.
There are many many versions of linux.
Not everyone uses the same distro.
They are being helpful in not misinforming you with information that isn't valid for your distro.
With some distros ...the command to get those administrative privileges is "sudo su" (the "su" standing for "super user")...some it is a variation of that ..
Some are vastly different...
It just happens that for is "sudo gainroot".
The folks offering their help in part expect you to know the basic of basics...considering the level of sophistication and complexity of the issues, problems and tasks you are openly sharing ...
They figure you must know the most fundamental basic as getting superuser privileges ..
this is their faultless assumption from info you have given...
That you are far more advanced than you really are.
And if asking someone else's help outside of maemo community....(I don't know if you have or not...but if you have...) then they are being equally polite and informative by saying "go root" ...and so not confuse you with their particular distro's method of gaining superuser privileges ...that is not your distro's method.

As far as help goes..
You are frustrated with the linux books you have that I am sure seem dry, overwhelming with all the stuff you do not instantly need to know right away..and is too much to absorb ...and so forgotten by the time you have read through a book.
Also flipping through books hunting for references you know you just also time consuming..and can be frustrating ..

Also from your well... you are frustrated with the help folks have offered honestly...
And you are frustrated at future help and responses from others ...
And warn folks of their potential to become equally frustrated as you...
Such as it is gleaned from your last statement.

Specifically for you...
The 2 best folks who , for sure can give you exactly the help and advice you need ...
As you require it ...when you require it ...who never get frustrated ...and are always happy to help....with no judgement..and always explain things in the easiest way possible.....that meets with all your requirements..
One goes by the name of "Google"
And the other "Youtube"

It may seem I am joking or being sarcastic.
But really I am not.
Considering all you have said in your last post.
The best method of learning for you ...
Is googling exactly what commands or output you are having difficulty understanding. Likewise googling things like what is var?
What is a lib? What is a dir? How do they function? Will get you answers in whatever format works for you...verbose and lengthy with explanations and short and sweet.
As far as youtube goes also is a good teacher ...there are tons of folks who have done excellent tutorial videos.

There are other places on the web...not as famous ...that can help as well...but google and youtube are likely to help you the most.

I said it a long time ago to you Maemish...
Take your time...
Stop trying to take an elevator from the ground floor to the penthouse ...without first going room by room ...floor by floor and taking the stairs first...
So you know the entire layout of the building ...

You got far far ahead of yourself.
I am not saying you are not capable ...or are not smart.
Another parallel would be..
...that everyone wants to know immediately how to turn on a light switch....and when shown...becomes frustrated at the fact they don't understand how the light switch works...

So you want to know...
And with a list of personal requirements, and expectations from others to boot.
Google and Youtube ...
The best possible teachers, are just waiting for you...and ready to give you all you want at the speed and level of sophistication you can or your beck and call.

I have used them both...
Still do...often...for complex issues and problems I need help with...that elude me...and so need help from someone who specialized in just that particular problem...

One of the best things about those 2 sources is that....
If one person explaining something...just doesn't make sense to you....there are hundreds more with articles ...suggestions and viddeos ...explaining the exact same thing a way that will make sense to you.

So there is my best help for you Maemish.

Maemish 2019-08-18 09:22

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
Very well said Endso! And I hear you.

What comes to me being frustrated with the root stuff with different distros is valid though at least from a new user point of view. Many mature users on forums do not want to tell how to go root because of people like me - because then we break something and start to disturb with uneducated and silly questions and being pain in the ***.

And about the answers I get here from people with just hinting that this odd named location in the system could help (without telling where to find it or what to do there) I have now accepted to be a normal and acceptable way of helping. One (me) is supposed to know more if one mess around as much as I do. And just because I have accepted the way people help and asnwer I described what kind of help I need and from what kind of a person, just in case there would be that kind of a person here. I have bothered Juiceme a lot and he has been that guy in some cases which I really appreciate but he has obviously a lot in life and work so not execting or thinking he is the guy. I have also got this kind of help from you through your excellent videos for N810. And some have reeaally tried to help me with kali .chroot img or telegram-cli but with those I haven't succeeded yet (kali I dropped out cause I think it would be bad for me, telegram-cli needed packages which application manager said are unsuited with my distribution, some conflict for some reason).

But as I said because I myself like to explain in detail things for a newbie (as I have tried with my instructions I shared here concerning chromium 57 and whatsappweb) I believe it is possible there is another like me here. As well as accept there isn't.

Of using google and youtube - they are use a lot, but working with N900 with outdated kernel and some specific other stuff like cssu - to find easily understandable instructions is a burden. And so it is also to find from the forum (because people here speak the same language maemodebianisharmelic which I'm yet just learning.

So for me asking questions here - there is a good and valid reasons. For people not wanting to spent time helping me if I have done something everybody has told to be stupid - that is very understandable and acceptable. So not blaming anyone here, not expecting anything more than given, still believing a possibility to find a kin to myself, some who shares my way of thinking and doing and wanting to share.

I will soon reflash unless this mirror image of myself makes himself present here. And will give everybody go in peace untill the next time.

Maemish 2019-08-18 10:35

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
And of my linux knowledge: I have used and installed the last ten years different linux distros for very old low end computers as well as for some newer. Main problems have been with too little ram, resolution, wifi, 3D acceleration and printers. For these I have found answers with google search or from youtube. I have never needed to know more but with N900 it is different. The systems lacks as a default many commands, it is armel, there is cssu with default apps but then testing which only has some that work or you only find from devel repos. Repos have been hard to find. Then on the forum when people talk they mention needed packages to get things done which are found only from development repo. And then suddenly I can't install packages needed cause they conflict with my distribution which I have put together as guided from a scratch. So in here there are many challenges for me.

Maemish 2019-08-19 06:04

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
Decided that I give peace to you all and gonna reflash my device. Thanks again for everybody of your help and shared wisdom. Try my best to hear and follow.

Case closed. Over and out.

Maemish 2019-08-19 18:51

Re: Appdownloader not installing and neither testing apps
Done reflash. Installed cssu testing. Enabled cssu devel. Installed KP53 and battery patch. Installing apps and changing settings. It takes time.Have not yet understood the cloning stuff.

jurop88 2019-08-21 05:43

Re: Appdownloader not installing (CASE CLOSED. REFLASHED DEVICE)

Originally Posted by maemish
Have not yet understood the cloning stuff

- install bootmenu
- switch off
- if not already done, install an additional uSD card if you don't have it
- switch your device on with open keyboard
- select backupmenu
- select option B
- select option T (backup both OptFS and RootFS)
- wait
done, reboot

Next time you need to bring your device at that very specific point in time:
- switch it off
- switch it on
- select backupmenu
- and chose restore backup optioin

that's it.

I am currently on my 5th -scavenged and frankesteinezed- N900, never lost any single bit of my data tanks to very recent backups when the worst happened on me (two faulty digitizers, one usb port broken and one 'missing telephony' modem fault)

Maemish 2019-08-21 06:05

Re: Appdownloader not installing (CASE CLOSED. REFLASHED DEVICE)
There is backupmenu and bootmenu. Do you know differencies? I recall that in some instructions/thread there was a mention "unless you use fanoush bootmenu". So there should not be any problem with cssu testing/devel or with kernel-power? Or is it the same if I use the backupmenu?

Boemien 2019-08-21 09:55

Re: Appdownloader not installing (CASE CLOSED. REFLASHED DEVICE)

Originally Posted by jurop88 (Post 1559374)
- install bootmenu
- switch off
- if not already done, install an additional uSD card if you don't have it
- switch your device on with open keyboard
- select backupmenu
- select option B
- select option T (backup both OptFS and RootFS)
- wait
done, reboot

Next time you need to bring your device at that very specific point in time:
- switch it off
- switch it on
- select backupmenu
- and chose restore backup optioin

that's it.

I am currently on my 5th -scavenged and frankesteinezed- N900, never lost any single bit of my data tanks to very recent backups when the worst happened on me (two faulty digitizers, one usb port broken and one 'missing telephony' modem fault)

Well that is actually a very good tip! Thanks a lot mate! Does it save messages (sms) and programs data too (mostly Opera, since they ended opera link back in the days all the data and bookmarks I backed up are on the N900) ? I have not flashed my n900 since 2014, I was too afraid to lose those files and messages but if there is a way to, like you said, "bring the device at the very specific point in time" I would take it :cool:
Thanks again! Very good tip!

Maemish 2019-08-21 10:15

Re: Appdownloader not installing (CASE CLOSED. REFLASHED DEVICE)
installed it, I have an sdcard in (not empty though and it is ext3). It only shows two options: either to boot maemo 5 or then another about power off. Doesn't give any backupmenu options.

jurop88 2019-08-22 03:13

Re: Appdownloader not installing (CASE CLOSED. REFLASHED DEVICE)
ouch, my fault, you need to install backupmenu too, of course. That's the real deal and why bootmenu does not offer you the backupmenu option :)
It had been a long time since I did this on all of my N900s and memories fade with time, specially with a working setup :)

Maemish 2019-08-22 03:29

Re: Appdownloader not installing (CASE CLOSED. REFLASHED DEVICE)
Hyvä hyvä.. Yritänpä uusiks. Thanks.

pichlo 2019-08-22 06:45

Re: Appdownloader not installing (CASE CLOSED. REFLASHED DEVICE)

Originally Posted by jurop88 (Post 1559406)
ouch, my fault, you need to install backupmenu too, of course. That's the real deal and why bootmenu does not offer you the backupmenu option :)
It had been a long time since I did this on all of my N900s and memories fade with time, specially with a working setup :)

It's been a long time for me too, but isn't backupmenu a dependency of bootmenu? How can you even install the latter without having the former?

Maemish 2019-08-22 08:14

Re: Appdownloader not installing (CASE CLOSED. REFLASHED DEVICE)
Very well, thank you!

Maemish 2019-08-22 08:17

Re: Appdownloader not installing (CASE CLOSED. REFLASHED DEVICE)
Done. Also after choosing b) and then t) you need to make some more choices according to what you want to backup and where. But it was very simple and straightforward. Glad you mentioned it. Next time I may just take it from the backupand don't have to do everything from the scratch. Now I should also save it to my computer in case I break the sdcard which is very possible.

jurop88 2019-08-23 04:09

Re: Appdownloader not installing (CASE CLOSED. REFLASHED DEVICE)
be careful that when restoring the root/opt combo you need also the same kernel of the original backup otherwise the device can and will bootloop. This, because if you need to flash your device prior to restoring it, remember to flash the correct kernel as well or to install the KP kernel if you are using it. Now it's too long a time I'm not doing it anymore (reflashing) so I am not able to remember all of the details, but that's the concept.

Maemish 2019-08-23 05:03

Re: Appdownloader not installing (CASE CLOSED. REFLASHED DEVICE)
Thanks! Would not have thought of that.

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