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edp17 2020-09-29 00:04

Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)


!!            Everything you do,              !!
!!      you do at your own peril and risk.    !!
!!                                            !!
!!      I do not bear any responsibility      !!
!!          for your faulty devices.          !!

First I would like to thank NoKit, monich, elros34 and all the Sailfish OS porter guys who helped me to make this port.
Thank you very much guys!

News 31/08/2023: OTA to SFOS

26/03/2023: OTA to SFOS
08/03/2023: OTA to SFOS
26/10/2022: OTA to SFOS
14/07/2022: OTA to SFOS
08/06/2022: OTA to SFOS
30/05/2022: OTA to SFOS
22/02/2022: OTA to SFOS
16/10/2021: Waydroid on Galaxy Note4 (SFOS
03/09/2021: OTA to SFOS
23/03/2021: OTA to SFOS

Before you start to download anything, please read all this through carefully.
The first requirement is your device must be rooted and you should be able to install a custom recovery (preferably TWRP) onto it.

Installation instructions:
1. Download all files, LOS14.1 zip, Sailfish OS zip and twrp2.8.7.img to the external SD card on the phone
2. Reboot into TWRP (Hold buttons: Power on + Home + Volume up)
At this point you should install TWRP 2.8.7 as the installation work the best with this recovery.
Once you flashed TWRP 2.8.7, please reboot into recovery and continue the process.

3. Do a factory reset
4. Format data to remove any encryption or other residues
5. Still in recovery, flash the LOS14.1 image
6. Still in recovery, flash Sailfish Os image
7. Reboot
8. Enjoy the latest ( Sailfish OS on your Note 4 (treltexx). :)
You will need patience as the first boot will take for a while. Then you can go through the initial Sailfish OS set up.

This Sailfish OS Android HAL is based on LOS 14.1.


  1. Problem: LXC container doesn't start.
    Solution: In TWRP install the kernel for lxc support. (This will be included into a later build.)
  2. Problem: Incoming calls are not displaying the number only the 'Private call' text.
    Solution: Install the fix for 'Private number' calls rpm. (This will be included into a later build.)

Some useful patches:
Apps from Openrepos
Apart from the Jolla store there are plenty of other, community made apps in Openrepos. There is a user-friendly app to install/remove apps from this source called Storeman. It can be downloaded and install from this location: Storeman

In Ubuntu, connect USB cable. telnet 2323 or SSH nemo@

  • On Sailfish OS, as it is a Linux system, you cannot install/run any android apps.

How to make a backup/restore with TWRP:
You can boot into TWRP with the usual button combination (Hold buttons: Power on + Home + Volume up) and can make backup/restore.

Battery life
In my experience this build gives a very good battery life (I've tested with a new battery and it drops beteen 5% - 10% overnight with wifi on)


  • Custom (Sailfish OS) boot logo

  • Sound fix is included, it works out of the box
  • GPS fixed!
  • S-Pen works as a mouse! :D To make the cursor visible (thanks for elros34!) you need to install:
    1. Patchmanager 3 from openrepos
    2. mousetracker
    3. amend '/var/lib/environment/compositor/droid-hal-device.conf' file, add the -plugin evdevmouse:abs:/dev/input/event3 to the end of LIPSTICK_OPTIONS. (That line should look like this:

      LIPSTICK_OPTIONS=-plugin evdevtouch -plugin evdevkeyboard:keymap=/usr/share/qt5/keymaps/droid.qmap -plugin evdevmouse:abs:/dev/input/event3
    4. as final step apply the moustracker patch in Settings/Patchmanager, then restart the services (pulley menu in Patchmanager) or reboot, then pull out the S-Pen and use it as a stylus/mouse.
      (Note: As patchmanager doesn't yet work when the default user is defaultuser, the instruction above works only on sfos or the OTA updated On fresh sfos install you need to install the mousetracker and manually apply the patch from it.)

  • Screen
  • Touch
  • IMEI number is detected
  • Sensors (Rotation, Acceleration, Gyroscope, Magnetometer, Light & Proximity)
  • GPS (The permanent solution will be included in a future build. Now, the workaround is (do it only once): as root delete the folder /data/system/gps and then reboot. GPS should start working)
  • Notification LEDs (white, green, blue, red)
  • Wifi
  • MTP
  • Bluetooth
  • Calls incoming/outgoing
  • Messages incoming/outgoing
  • Mobile data
  • External SD card detected and mounted to /run/media/nemo/_sdcard_name_ (where _sdcard_name_ is the name of the sd card when it was formatted like 4B93-785B)
  • Home button and the Back soft button
  • Vibra
  • Pixel ratio and icons set to 2.00
  • Audio is routed to headphone if that presents
  • Camera front/rear
  • Video recording (only on the rear camera)
  • Jolla store
  • findutils is installed by default (updatedb and locate commands work out of the box)
  • Torch
  • can boot into TWRP recovery with the usual button combination (hold buttons: Power on + Home + Volume up)
  • Low Power Mode (AKA "sneak peek" or "ambient display") works (install instruction is in this post)
  • Sound - Please download the 'Sound fix script for Note4 (treltexx)' and save it into /home/nemo/Download, then give it executable permission and run as root or do the following:
    1. Download the 'Sound fix script for Note4 (treltexx)' and save it into /home/nemo/Download
    2. goto Settings/Developer tools, enter a Password and save it
    3. start the Fingerterm app and within, issue the following commands
    4. devel-su (press enter, then enter the password you set)
    5. chmod +x /home/nemo/Download/
    6. /home/nemo/Download/./

Do not work:
  • USB mode selection from Settings (workaround: as root run 'systemctl restart usb-moded' command)
  • Video recording on the front camera
  • Video playback in Gallery app (You can use Kodi for playing videos)
  • Internal SD card is not mounted to /android
  • S-Pen WIP

Extra 1: Change boot logo, Download warning image, Charring image and Download image for Sailfish OS like. :D
Simply download the from the download section and flash it with TWRP.
Important!: Once the zip is flashed, boot into recovery again, then you can boot into Sailfish OS.

To revert these images back to original:
Download the original param.bin and flash it with heimdal:

heimdall flash --PARAM param.bin
Inspired by this post

Extra 2: Desktop Linux distro install/run on the Note 4!
1. First flash the kernel from the Downloads section (in a later build this will be included)
2. Then, install all the following packages:
3. Once the packages are installed, fire up the LXC and install a distro into it (e.g. Debian SID)
On the Note 4 the harbour-containers GUI doesn't work properly. Fortunately the desktop distro installation can be done from a command line. Here are the steps:
  • sudo lxc-create -t sfos-download -n mycontainer
    follow the instruction and set the distribution (e.g. debian) then the version (e.g. sid) then the architecture (armhf)
    example command: sudo lxc-create -t sfos-download -n mycontainer -- --arch armhf --dist debian --release sid
  • sudo lxc-start -n mycontainer
  • sudo lxc-attach -n mycontainer
  • then within the container:
  • /mnt/guest/
  • /mnt/guest/setups/

4. Once the Desktop distro is installed you can start:
I recommend to use one of these scripts as they save a little time. (Note: You need sudo installed and configured for these scripts!)
5. Enjoy. :)

6. More info about the Full linux distros on Sailfish OS.


Custom boot logo and other pictures:

edp17 2020-10-09 09:16

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
A new build is available. Sound and GPS are fixed. S-Pen works as a mouse/stylus. Instruction and links are updated in the main post.

edp17 2020-10-10 23:03

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
Custom boot logo for Note 4. :D Instruction and images in the main post.

suicidal_orange 2020-10-11 17:37

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
Wow, didn't expect to see this as a Sailfish option - is the port daily driver ready? The only thing not mentioned is good battery management which is quite important...

edp17 2020-10-12 14:43

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by suicidal_orange (Post 1569670)
Wow, didn't expect to see this as a Sailfish option - is the port daily driver ready? The only thing not mentioned is good battery management which is quite important...

Thanks. I have added my experience of battery life to the main post.
I think you can give a try to use as a daily driver. :D (Although there is no android apk support.)

suicidal_orange 2020-10-12 17:44

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
I don't have a Note but my Xperia X rarely makes a sound when I get a call, if I'm lucky it will vibrate once and sometimes the screen remembers to light up - I can have it in my hand waiting for a call and still miss it which is not ideal. Sometimes the touch accuracy seems to be off too...

No interest in android apps so I will add the note 4 to the list of options. Finding a good unlocked one may be a bit of a challenge though.

edp17 2020-10-13 22:14

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by suicidal_orange (Post 1569686)
I don't have a Note but my Xperia X rarely makes a sound when I get a call, if I'm lucky it will vibrate once and sometimes the screen remembers to light up - I can have it in my hand waiting for a call and still miss it which is not ideal. Sometimes the touch accuracy seems to be off too...

No interest in android apps so I will add the note 4 to the list of options. Finding a good unlocked one may be a bit of a challenge though.

I understand your situation and agree not easy to find exactly this model.
If you need this as yourmain phone I think the best to purchase a second hand Sony Xperia XA2. With that you'll have the luxury of having an officially supported phone where everything should work 100%. Then, you can purchase a backup phone for "playground". :)

edp17 2020-10-16 08:07

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
I got a problem reported. During incoming calls the number was not displayed but a 'Private number' text instead. Because of this, the receiver cannot call back the caller as there is no number.
To fix this I needed to amend ofono. The fix is available at the download section.

sailor 2020-11-23 06:38

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
Awesome work! How is video recording quality with the back camera? Does it come close to the original android recordings? Actually I'm surprised to see that it was possible to port Sailfish to this device. And not only that, but it looks to be a very good port, only minor issues remained.

edp17 2020-12-10 08:22

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by sailor (Post 1570257)
Awesome work! How is video recording quality with the back camera? Does it come close to the original android recordings? Actually I'm surprised to see that it was possible to port Sailfish to this device. And not only that, but it looks to be a very good port, only minor issues remained.

I'll test the video and let you know.

edp17 2021-03-23 13:05

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
The first OTA update is ready. (Well, sort of :) as it requires some additional manual work.)
Because sfos 3.4 is a stop release, the device must be OTA updated to 3.4 first.
As I have not built a sfos 3.4 image for this device, the OTA update to version 3.4 is meant to be only an interim step.
The manual additional work is needed because, for unknown reasons, some packages and the kernel is not deployed to the device during the update.

The benefit of upgrading this way, rather than installing the sfos 4.0 image from scratch:
  • nemo user is kept as the default user
  • all scripts that hardcoded to use user nemo, should work without any change
  • all your data, files and apps will remain and should work as before
  • if you installed and configured a desktop Linux in an lxc container, that also should work (don't need to reinstall/reconfigure again)
  • patchmanager and installed patches like Mouse cursor, More folder icons and Notes app cover will remain working

Here is the instruction what to do:

Step 1 - OTA 3.3 to 3.4
  1. Boot into sfos, enable developer mode and set a password
  2. Connect the phone to a wifi network (for downloading packages)
    From this point, we will work on the PC, leave the phone connected.
  3. Connect the phone to a PC, open a console and on the PC run (enter the password when you prompted):

    ssh nemo@
  4. Switch user to root (enter the password when you prompted):

  5. Check repos:

    ssu lr
  6. Disable all repos, except: apps, hotfixes, jolla:

    ssu dr <repo_name>
  7. Add/modify adaptation-community-common repo:

    ssu ar adaptation-community-common
  8. Add/modify adaptation-community-treltexx repo:

    ssu ar adaptation-community-treltexx
  9. In case you have the mousetracker repo

    ssu ar mousetracker
  10. Put the device in release mode:

    ssu release
  11. Refresh packages:

    pkcon refresh
  12. Upgrade the system:

    version --dup
  13. Then reboot:


Step 2 - OTA 3.4 to 4.0
  1. Boot into sfos, enable developer mode and set a password
  2. Connect the phone to a wifi network (for downloading packages)
    From this point, we will work on the PC, leave the phone connected.
  3. Connect the phone to a PC, open a console and on the PC run (enter the password when you prompted):

    ssh nemo@
  4. Switch user to root (enter the password when you prompted):

  5. Check repos:

    ssu lr
  6. Disable all repos, except: apps, hotfixes, jolla:

    ssu dr <repo_name>
  7. Add/modify adaptation-community-common repo:

    ssu ar adaptation-community-common
  8. Add/modify adaptation-community-treltexx repo:

    ssu ar adaptation-community-treltexx
  9. In case you have the mousetracker repo

    ssu ar mousetracker
  10. Put the device in release mode:

    ssu release
  11. Refresh packages:

    pkcon refresh
  12. Upgrade the system:

    version --dup
  13. Then reboot:


Once the device is updated to 4.0 boot into TWRP and flash this kernel: 02-hybris-boot-firejail-enhanced.img
Then boot into SFOS and install these two packages:Then amend /etc/bluez5/bluetooth/main.conf file and at [GATT] section, set Channels = 1. Like

# Number of ATT channels
# Possible values: 1-5 (1 disables EATT)
# Default to 3
Channels = 1

Reboot again and after this, all apps and Bluetooth should work as before.

If you have any issues, give me a shout. :)
Good luck!

edp17 2021-03-26 12:17

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
Running LibreOffice on Desktop Debian (Sid) distro within an LXC container on the Galaxy Note 4 (SFOS4.0). Although this is a phone, the lag is minimal (almost nothing) and quite usable for lots of tasks.

n950 2021-03-27 19:54

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by edp17 (Post 1571371)
Running LibreOffice on Desktop Debian (Sid) distro within an LXC container on the Galaxy Note 4 (SFOS4.0). Although this is a phone, the lag is minimal (almost nothing) and quite usable for lots of tasks.

How to install it?

n950 2021-03-29 20:21

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
I connect usb cable from pc to galaxy i choose developer mode but only galaxy said in charge only
when i run in ubuntu ssh nemo@ i have network is unreachable.

edp17 2021-03-30 10:53

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1571397)
How to install it?

Start the Desktop distro, attach it, then once you are in there, open up a terminal and do:
  1. apt update
  2. apt install libreoffice

edp17 2021-03-30 10:58

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1571412)
I connect usb cable from pc to galaxy i choose developer mode but only galaxy said in charge only
when i run in ubuntu ssh nemo@ i have network is unreachable.

Do the following:
  1. go to Settings/USB, then set it to Always ask
  2. start fingerterm or another terminal
  3. enter devel-su systemctl restart usb-moded
  4. select Developer mode from the list
Now you can connect to the device from the PC with ssh nemo@ (or if you installed 4.0 as fresh: ssh defaultuser@

The other way, if you connect your device to the same wifi network where your PC is connected to then use the phone's IP address for the ssh.
Example: (let's say the phone's IP address is
ssh nemo@ (or ssh defaultuser@

edp17 2021-03-30 11:23

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
Running Windows XP (with Qemu 4.2.0) on Desktop Debian (Sid) distro within an LXC container on the Galaxy Note 4 (SFOS4.0).
(The Qemu 4.2.0 is compiled on the device within the Desktop Linux.)

sailor 2021-03-30 16:37

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
That's great with the linux desktop. Is it possible to use the LXC container on the phone itself? So that linux tools might be usable on the phone.
Meanwhile did you maybe check the video quality? Running that distro on that older phone is remarkable, good hardware.

n950 2021-03-30 19:34

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
1 Attachment(s)
here is my error

suicidal_orange 2021-03-30 19:40

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1571426)
Here is my error now.

I follow your guide. i go from 3.3 to 4.0

The advice says go from 3.3 to 3.4 then 3.4 to 4.0 - how far did you get?

n950 2021-03-30 19:44

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by suicidal_orange (Post 1571427)
The advice says go from 3.3 to 3.4 then 3.4 to 4.0 - how far did you get?

I try now i come back to you.


from 3.3 to 3.4: after version --dup

REBOOT NOW unless you need to investigate update
issues or know what you are doing (or both).

All bugs encountered until reboot are features.

After reboot i have black screen after galaxy boot image.

How to i resolve?

edp17 2021-03-31 06:47

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by sailor (Post 1571423)
That's great with the linux desktop. Is it possible to use the LXC container on the phone itself? So that linux tools might be usable on the phone.
Meanwhile did you maybe check the video quality? Running that distro on that older phone is remarkable, good hardware.

Yes, the LXC container and the Debian in it is running on the phone. I also used it on the device itself but as I am sitting at my PC, it was just easier to VNC into it. It really feels like another PC and the experience is very good. The Linux distro is quite responsive even when I was compiling qemu on it, I was able to surf on the net and open other terminals to work on.
I am sorry about not coming back on the video quality. Honestly, I haven't tested it yet as was busy with other stuff. I'll do it hopefully soon.

edp17 2021-03-31 07:07

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1571426)
here is my error

This doesn't show the error as you copied only the last portion of the log. Please post all lines including the commands you entered.

edp17 2021-03-31 07:14

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1571428)
I try now i come back to you.


from 3.3 to 3.4: after version --dup

REBOOT NOW unless you need to investigate update
issues or know what you are doing (or both).

All bugs encountered until reboot are features.

After reboot i have black screen after galaxy boot image.

How to i resolve?

You should be able to ssh into the device. (Connect the device to a PC with a USB cable, then reboot the device.)
Once you are ssh in, check the logs and post them here or try to upgrade to 4.0.

Lipstick probably wasn't able to start because something prevented it. Without logs, I cannot tell what's wrong.

n950 2021-03-31 19:50

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)
I can't install 4.0 because i am not connected to a wifi network inside Galaxy,
How to connect inside ssh?
I can access ssh.
How to see log? where are the logs?

edp17 2021-04-01 08:58

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1571437)
I can't install 4.0 because i am not connected to a wifi network inside Galaxy,
How to connect inside ssh?
I can access ssh.
How to see log? where are the logs?

True, if the UI hasn't started, there is no wifi. I forgot that.
Regarding logs; reboot the device, then a minute later when it started, get the following:
(These are separate commands, issue them one by one then upload the full result to paste.ubuntu or somewhere else.)
journalctl --no-pager -f
systemctl list-units -t service --all

n950 2021-04-01 11:09

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# version --dup
Resolving: 100%
Error: nothing provides bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach needed by patterns-sailfish-device-adaptation-treltexx-1+sfos3.4.20210316005808.cc31ace-1.3.1.jolla.armv7hl
Finished transaction (status=2, runtime=26782ms)
Waiting 1 seconds before retry.
Resolving: 100%
Error: nothing provides bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach needed by patterns-sailfish-device-adaptation-treltexx-1+sfos3.4.20210316005808.cc31ace-1.3.1.jolla.armv7hl
Finished transaction (status=2, runtime=14835ms)
Waiting 3 seconds before retry.

Strange a lot of time i have that error how to resolve

I put ssh nemo@ to enter in ssh because by default IP usb don t work i dont know why.

Can you help me about that?

n950 2021-04-01 11:11

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by edp17 (Post 1571442)
True, if the UI hasn't started, there is no wifi. I forgot that.
Regarding logs; reboot the device, then a minute later when it started, get the following:
(These are separate commands, issue them one by one then upload the full result to paste.ubuntu or somewhere else.)
journalctl --no-pager -f
systemctl list-units -t service --all

I reinstall stock rom and restart all steps.

edp17 2021-04-08 14:24

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1571444)

[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# version --dup
Resolving: 100%
Error: nothing provides bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach needed by patterns-sailfish-device-adaptation-treltexx-1+sfos3.4.20210316005808.cc31ace-1.3.1.jolla.armv7hl
Finished transaction (status=2, runtime=26782ms)
Waiting 1 seconds before retry.
Resolving: 100%
Error: nothing provides bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach needed by patterns-sailfish-device-adaptation-treltexx-1+sfos3.4.20210316005808.cc31ace-1.3.1.jolla.armv7hl
Finished transaction (status=2, runtime=14835ms)
Waiting 3 seconds before retry.

Strange a lot of time i have that error how to resolve

I put ssh nemo@ to enter in ssh because by default IP usb don t work i dont know why.

Can you help me about that?

If you get an error like this you can try to install the package manually.
Do a pkcon refresh, then try to install with pkcon install bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach.

You usually should get these error at the download phase. so after the pkcon refresh, you can reboot your device and continue the update from the step where you left off. Don't forget to check all repos with ssu lr to ensure nothing unwanted is enabled.

edp17 2021-04-08 14:29

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1571445)
I reinstall stock rom and restart all steps.

You don't need to go back to stock. With TWRP you can do a backup of your configured SFOS 3.3, then try to update to 3.4. If it boots after the update, do another backup in TWRP and try to update to 4.0. If it goes wrong at any updates you can restore the latest working version from backup and start again. (This is how I've done the update to 4.0.)

n950 2021-04-10 05:58

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.1256]
(c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Trevor>ssh nemo@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:tn97rDmWrY1ZNzvz+cq7dxYYRJVEELvih1cm2H5p4hc.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
nemo@'s password:
Last login: Sat Apr 10 09:31:18 2021 from
Last login: Sat Apr 10 09:31:18 2021 from
| Sailfish OS (Rokua)
[nemo@GalaxyNote4 ~]$ devel-su
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# ssu lr
Enabled repositories (global):
 - adaptation-community-common ...
 - apps                        ...
 - hotfixes                    ...
 - jolla                      ...

Enabled repositories (user):

Disabled repositories (global, might be overridden by user config):

Disabled repositories (user):
 - home ...
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# ssu ar adaptation-community-common
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# ssu ar adaptation-community-treltexx
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# ssu ar mousetracker
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# ssu release
Changing release from to
Your device is now in release mode!
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# pkcon refresh
Refreshing cache
Refreshing software list
 [root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# version --dup
[D] unknown:0 - "Method \"GetProperties\" with signature \"\" on interface \"net.connman.Service\" doesn't exist\n"
Resolving: 100%
Error: nothing provides bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach needed by patterns-sailfish-device-adaptation-treltexx-1+sfos3.4.20210316005808.cc31ace-1.3.1.jolla.armv7hl
Finished transaction (status=2, runtime=20679ms)
Waiting 1 seconds before retry.
Refreshing: 66%


Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.1256]
(c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Trevor>ssh nemo@
nemo@'s password:
Last login: Sat Apr 10 09:42:54 2021
Last login: Sat Apr 10 09:42:54 2021
| Sailfish OS (Rokua)
[nemo@GalaxyNote4 ~]$ devel-su
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# pkcon install bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach
Resolving                                                                [                                    ] (0%)  Package not found: bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach
Command failed: This tool could not find any available package: No packages were found
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# pkcon refresh
Refreshing cache
Refreshing software list
 [root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# pkcon install bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach
Resolving                                                                [                                    ] (0%)  Package not found: bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach
Command failed: This tool could not find any available package: No packages were found
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]#

Don't work and i don't know why!
Can you please upload sfos 4.0 version here? i download it and install it it's more easy.

edp17 2021-04-12 06:25

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1571544)

Don't work and i don't know why!
Can you please upload sfos 4.0 version here? i download it and install it it's more easy.

It cannot upgrade the bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach as it doesn't exist in the repo. (I am not sure why.) This means you need to remove this package, and probably the broadcom-bluetooth as well) before you do a pkcon refresh. As the Bluetooth doesn't work on 3.4 anyway, it doesn't hurt if you remove these two packages.

The 4.0 full install is available in my signature.

n950 2021-04-12 12:17

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by edp17 (Post 1571568)
It cannot upgrade the bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach as it doesn't exist in the repo. (I am not sure why.) This means you need to remove this package, and probably the broadcom-bluetooth as well) before you do a pkcon refresh. As the Bluetooth doesn't work on 3.4 anyway, it doesn't hurt if you remove these two packages.

The 4.0 full install is available in my signature.

Sorry i ask if you can upload sfos 4.0 image for samsung? to flash it with twrp
without OTA.
ZIP file i need like you did for 3.3 etc...

edp17 2021-04-12 15:28

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1571572)
Sorry i ask if you can upload sfos 4.0 image for samsung? to flash it with twrp
without OTA.
ZIP file i need like you did for 3.3 etc...

I haven't uploaded that zip file because I strongly recommend the OTA upgrade instead of a fresh install.
Anyway, now I made it available for you but would like to stress that it might not work. You can download it from here.

n950 2021-04-12 16:37

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by edp17 (Post 1571568)
It cannot upgrade the bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach as it doesn't exist in the repo. (I am not sure why.) This means you need to remove this package, and probably the broadcom-bluetooth as well) before you do a pkcon refresh. As the Bluetooth doesn't work on 3.4 anyway, it doesn't hurt if you remove these two packages.

The 4.0 full install is available in my signature.

How to remove two packages?
command lines please

edp17 2021-04-12 21:35

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1571578)
How to remove two packages?
command lines please

Use zypper to find a package. Example:

zypper se bluetooth
This will give you a list like this:

S  | Name                                        | Summary            | Type
i+ | bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach            | Bluetooth rfkill-> | package
  | bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach-configs-mer | Default configur-> | package
  | bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach-debuginfo  | Debug informatio-> | package
  | bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach-debugsource | Debug sources fo-> | package
  | bluetoothforcar                              | Bluetooth On/Off-> | package
  | bluetoothonoff2                              | Bluetooth On/Off  | package
i+ | broadcom-bluetooth-bluez5                    | Broadcom Bluetoo-> | package
  | broadcom-bluetooth-bluez5-debuginfo          | Debug informatio-> | package
  | broadcom-bluetooth-bluez5-debugsource        | Debug sources fo-> | package
i  | jolla-settings-bluetooth                    | Settings plugin -> | package
  | qt5-qtconnectivity-qtbluetooth              | QtBluetooth        | package
  | qt5-qtconnectivity-qtbluetooth-devel        | QtBluetooth - de-> | package
i  | sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5            | Bluetooth UI com-> | package
  | sailfish-homescreen-silica-bluetooth        | The Sailfish Sil-> | package

All of them marked with 'i' or 'i+' are installed. ('i' means installed by the system, 'i+' means installed manually.)
Now use pkcon to remove them. Example

devel-su pkcon remove bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach

devel-su pkcon remove broadcom-bluetooth-bluez5
After this, the the version --dup shouldn't complain about that package again.

n950 2021-04-17 07:46

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

[nemo@GalaxyNote4 ~]$ devel-su
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# pkcon install bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach
Resolving                                                                [                                    ] (0%)  Package not found: bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach
Command failed: This tool could not find any available package: No packages were found
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# pkcon remove bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach
Resolving                                                                [                                    ] (0%)  Package not found: bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach
Command failed: This tool could not find the installed package: No packages were found
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# zypper se bluetooth
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                                | Summary                                      | Type
i | jolla-settings-bluetooth            | Settings plugin for bluetooth                | package
  | qt5-qtconnectivity-qtbluetooth      | QtBluetooth                                  | package
  | qt5-qtconnectivity-qtbluetooth-devel | QtBluetooth - development files              | package
i | sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5    | Bluetooth UI components                      | package
  | statefs-provider-inout-bluetooth    | Statefs inout provider: bluetooth properties | package
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]#

strange no package.

edp17 2021-04-17 11:00

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1571604)

[nemo@GalaxyNote4 ~]$ devel-su
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# pkcon install bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach
Resolving                                                                [                                    ] (0%)  Package not found: bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach
Command failed: This tool could not find any available package: No packages were found
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# pkcon remove bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach
Resolving                                                                [                                    ] (0%)  Package not found: bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach
Command failed: This tool could not find the installed package: No packages were found
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# zypper se bluetooth
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                                | Summary                                      | Type
i | jolla-settings-bluetooth            | Settings plugin for bluetooth                | package
  | qt5-qtconnectivity-qtbluetooth      | QtBluetooth                                  | package
  | qt5-qtconnectivity-qtbluetooth-devel | QtBluetooth - development files              | package
i | sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5    | Bluetooth UI components                      | package
  | statefs-provider-inout-bluetooth    | Statefs inout provider: bluetooth properties | package
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]#

strange no package.

From this log you posted, it is not clear what you are trying to do.
Are you getting this on 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4?
Is it after when you tried the OTA from 3.2 to 3.3 or from 3.3 to 3.4 or when?

n950 2021-04-17 12:32

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

Originally Posted by edp17 (Post 1571606)
From this log you posted, it is not clear what you are trying to do.
Are you getting this on 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4?
Is it after when you tried the OTA from 3.2 to 3.3 or from 3.3 to 3.4 or when?

i install 3.3 with your zip file.
I want to OTA to 3.4. (from 3.3 to 3.4).
for me it's not possible to install 3.4. I don't know why.
I follow exactly your guide without success.

n950 2021-04-17 20:16

Re: Sailfish OS for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910C) - (treltexx)

ssh nemo@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:zXCt7xw/+rQn9cRCiRHb+TkXfd3g5aKyhZ8XnkNRLfY.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
nemo@'s password:
Last login: Sat Apr 17 22:08:40 2021
Last login: Sat Apr 17 22:08:40 2021
| Sailfish OS (Rokua)
[nemo@GalaxyNote4 ~]$ devel-su
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# ssu lr
Enabled repositories (global):
 - adaptation-community-common ...
 - apps                        ...
 - hotfixes                    ...
 - jolla                      ...

Enabled repositories (user):

Disabled repositories (global, might be overridden by user config):

Disabled repositories (user):
 - home ...
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# ssu dr adaptation-community-common
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# ssu ar adaptation-community-common
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# ssu ar adaptation-community-treltexx
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# ssu ar mousetracker
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# ssu release
Changing release from to
Your device is now in release mode!
[root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# pkcon refresh
Refreshing cache
Refreshing software list
 [root@GalaxyNote4 nemo]# version --dup
Resolving: 100%
Error: nothing provides bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach needed by patterns-sailfish-device-adaptation-treltexx-1+sfos3.4.20210316005808.cc31ace-1.3.1.jolla.armv7hl
Finished transaction (status=2, runtime=17334ms)
Waiting 1 seconds before retry.
Resolving: 100%
Error: nothing provides bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach needed by patterns-sailfish-device-adaptation-treltexx-1+sfos3.4.20210316005808.cc31ace-1.3.1.jolla.armv7hl
Finished transaction (status=2, runtime=13886ms)
Waiting 3 seconds before retry.

Here is my complete log.
As you can see it s impossible to progress.

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