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ArnimS 2007-04-11 05:00

Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Somebody asked for a C64 emulator, so I thought I'd put one up.

Download here:

Frodo C64 Emulator for Maemo

Just untar the package and then copy frodorc to /home/user/.frodorc

Run with ./Frodo from the Frodo directory. Quit the emu with F10. Docs are included.

I don't have time to test it right now, so if anyone wants to give it a whirl on 770 or 800 (might work too), let me know how it works for you!


(edit) Apparently Veli Mankinen first compiled it for maemo back in 2005 :P

dcarter 2007-04-11 06:52

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
yeah, it works on an N800.
its been 25 years though, and I can't remember my peeks and pokes...

additionally, when I press space bar on my thinkoutside keyboard it advances 10 spaces.....

Not sure where I would put programs in order to run them,
but sys64738 command resets the box just like before!!!

pretty cool.

on edit: DAMN, that emulator sapped my full battery in about 30 minutes!!!!


Mika73 2007-04-11 12:33

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Thanks :)

Could someone who knows these things better make install package of it that would add installed Frodo C64 emulator to N770/N800 Extras menu.

I feel shame, but I dont know how to install it. I havent ever done any root level/terminal tricks with my N800.

But if Frodo takes so much CPU power that it does drain battery at 30min then its not very useful ŽOn The RoadŽ when you are not plugged to wall.

Great news anyway :)


Its not possible make .frodorc directory to memory card and run frodo from there?

It has to be at /home/user/.frodorc directory?

Yes.. I know.. These are dos/windows user questions.. ;)

-> I tryed.. No luck.. Somehow I had that feeling that it wouldnt work.. :D

Mika73 2007-04-11 19:18

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Somebody, please help. I would love to try this software :)

ArnimS 2007-04-11 22:35

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by Mika73 (Post 43752)
Thanks :)
Could someone who knows these things better make install package of it that would add installed Frodo C64 emulator to N770/N800 Extras menu.

But if Frodo takes so much CPU power that it does drain battery at 30min then its not very useful ŽOn The RoadŽ when you are not plugged to wall.

Its not possible make .frodorc directory to memory card and run frodo from there? It has to be at /home/user/.frodorc directory?

Installable package is forthcoming. This build is just being made available for testing - so please try out various configurations in the .rc conf file and check compatibility against Commodore applications, test sound and disk access (host mode and floppy drives) etc.

Frodo does not consume excessive battery power. I just ran frodo for 60 minutes with no loss of battery power level on a nokia 770. All emulators are cpu-intensive programs, and require more power than a native app that spends most of its' time sleeping. (Edit) There appears to be a bug on Nokia 800 where battery indicator is not accurate when battery is getting low. Reflashing OS to latest version should solve this.

Some things to do:
  • Mapping of dpad and buttons to joystick
  • Map home key to exit emu (F10)
  • Packaging / Menu items, fullscreen/normalscreen
  • Double size mode.
  • Native text input methods
  • Integration into xmaeme?
  • ???

(Edit) Yes commodore disk files can be copied to MMC and loaded with the emu. In principle.

Mika73 2007-04-12 13:52

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Thanks :) Sounds good.

Wonder if it would be possible load C64 PRG, T64, D64 files/images from memorycard. Then it would be easy transfer C64 software for emulator.

I have wild imagination.. I was thinking using Playstation 3 bluetooth controller pad as N800 frodo controller. Wonder if there is other bluetooth controllers. Also using USB joystic with USB mini adapter with emulator would be cool.

Mika73 2007-04-27 10:57

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Any Frodo news? :)

mlvj 2007-04-27 11:13

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
If somebody wants to lend me a ps3 bluetooth controller pad, I'd be delighted to write the driver.

Writing the driver for that other bluetooth gamepad I did only took a couple of hours.

Or you could wait a year until I buy a ps3 and hdtv of my own!

ArnimS 2007-04-27 20:33

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by Mika73 (Post 46059)
Any Frodo news? :)

... "nice to load images from memory card"

I have been busy with other ports, but if you use frodo, please leave some feedback. What works? What doesnt? Are there problems with Frodo on the n800 or can this version run w/o problems on both?

Frodo most needs scaled graphics. I'm currently looking into faster screen writes for this and other emulators and games.

Xsp pixel doubling seems to be only usable for some apps, unless someone can show us a way to work around the damage detection / undoubling issues.

Barring that, the only way to get fast screen writes is to emulate what ssvb has done for mplayer and write directly to the framebuffer. It would be nice if this could be done with cooperation from X and SDL, but the people who are qualified for this work seem to be otherwise employed or uninterested.

Loading disk images from memory card works fine here. Check the Frodo documentation for instructions.

Mika73 2007-04-28 09:00

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
I am waiting for install package, course I dont know how to install it manually. :)

Does Frodo fun full screen or small window?

Thanks :)

ArnimS 2007-04-29 02:31

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by Mika73 (Post 46242)
I am waiting for install package, course I dont know how to install it manually. :)

Does Frodo fun full screen or small window?

Thanks :)

Currently Frodo is not scaled to fullscreen.

to assign disk images to frodo drive a edit ~/.frodorc and assign image type and name, for e.g.:
DriveType8 = D64
DrivePath8 = /home/user/Frodo-4.1b/games/1942.d64

To learn more about C64 and disk images, see
I am working on the GUI now so that you don't have to edit frodorc to load disk images. Also several games require swapping disks during the game,


- Packaging tcl and tk for Nokia for GUi. done
- Modifying TK preferences window so that it can be hidden (currently hides the frodo window) and fits on screen erences.png

This requires...
- Learning tcl/tk programming

(edit 03:41) Frodo 4.1b does not support swapping of disk images during execution. According to one source, writing to disks without 1541 hardware emulation is said not to work. According to gui menu, mounting of multiple disks is not possible with 1541 hardware emulation turned-off.

(edit 05:04) Frodo Author Christian Bauer appears to have been working on an internal SDL GUI, which would avoid the problems with TK gui (creating a seperate window not registered with hildon), but no changes apparent since 2005

(edit 06:06) CVS access to frodo source with SDL menu appears to be blocked.
(edit 06:21) 10th try with given password and now checkout works.

(What? does he think that will keep me from getting his source?) :D

Looking at CVS now it appears the Frodo authors have a zaurus and that the sdl gui is in current development. It appears that a port with builtin gui features will be available fairly soon.

I have built a cvs version that runs now, but the fullscreen and arrow keys / dpad arrows do not work yet, so there is no user benefit over the previous release.

jethro.itt 2007-04-29 10:14

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Just out of curiosity: When you decided to port a C64 emulator, did you investigate VICE? it has an optional GTK2 GUI, already runs on some embedded targets (GP2X) and quite likely has a different set of porting issues compared to Frodo.

You can find VICE at

ArnimS 2007-04-29 21:51

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by jethro.itt (Post 46340)
Just out of curiosity: When you decided to port a C64 emulator, did you investigate VICE? it has an optional GTK2 GUI, already runs on some embedded targets (GP2X) and quite likely has a different set of porting issues compared to Frodo.

You can find VICE at

Yes, but vice has a *lot* of unmet dependencies in scratchbox. I've been slowly hacking away at them. Currently it wants automake 1.9 but scratchbox only has 1.8 support. I managed to build an automake 1.9 deb but it conflicts with x-build.

dpkg -i automake1.9_1.9.6+nogfdl-3_all.deb
dpkg: regarding automake1.9_1.9.6+nogfdl-3_all.deb containing automake1.9:
x-build conflicts with automake1.9

i've contacted the x-build maintainer and asked if it's safe to force an overwrite, or if he could release an updated x-build. no response yet.

(edit) Also see this forum for info on Frodo for the 770 - seems one of the real develoeprs 'blachner' has a 770


psjobe 2007-05-01 14:52

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 46385)
Yes, but vice has a *lot* of unmet dependencies in scratchbox. I've been slowly hacking away at them. Currently it wants automake 1.9 but scratchbox only has 1.8 support.

I compiled VICE for 770 some time ago, but I don't remember having that much difficulties doing so (Maemo 2.0, Vice 1.20). The gnome gui (use --enable-gnomeui in configure) had only a few gnome function calls which had straightforward gtk equivalents, so it became gtk-only gui.

It worked, but was unusably slow (2-5 fps in games), so I just scrapped the whole project. Maybe it runs better in N800.

ArnimS 2007-05-01 17:41

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by psjobe (Post 46595)
I compiled VICE for 770 some time ago, but I don't remember having that much difficulties doing so (Maemo 2.0, Vice 1.20). The gnome gui (use --enable-gnomeui in configure) had only a few gnome function calls which had straightforward gtk equivalents, so it became gtk-only gui.

It worked, but was unusably slow (2-5 fps in games), so I just scrapped the whole project. Maybe it runs better in N800.

Strange, frodo runs nice and fast. - Not sure about fps since it's easily above 20 (edit on a 770(. Turning off speed limiting shows frodo running at 330% of C64 speed.

For Vice 1.20 i still have:

Unmet build dependencies: bison++ | bison flex libasound2-dev libbonobo2-dev libbonoboui2-dev libcairo2-dev libgnomecanvas2-dev libgnomeui-dev libieee1284-3-dev libpcap0.8-dev xaw3dg-dev libtwolame-dev libxmu-dev libxxf86dga-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxaw7-dev libxaw-headers

I haven't found out how to reduce those in the rules, configure and automake files.

psjobe 2007-05-02 12:14

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 46632)
Strange, frodo runs nice and fast. - Not sure about fps since it's easily above 20 (edit on a 770(.

Vice is slower than Frodo in general, not just on 770. I guess the emulation is more accurate in Vice.


I haven't found out how to reduce those in the rules, configure and automake files.
I downloaded vice-1.21.tar.gz and it compiled without modifications with ./configure --enable-gnomeui ; make. Those few gnome functions I mentioned before have already been replaced with gtk equivalents in version 1.21.

I guess you are trying to make a deb package. The official tarball doesn't contain any debian/ directory. Anyway, I think you could just check that configure gets only the --enable-gnomeui switch in the rules file, and you could remove all package dependencies in the control file. That way you get it compiled to have a test run. Worry about the package dependencies sometime later.

ArnimS 2007-05-03 03:28

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Ok tested vice 1.21 and got keyboard+sound working.

When it's idling, and expensive options are turned off, it reports up to 21 fps on the 770. When running graphics intensive programs framerate drops to 2-3 fps, regardless of options i try.

Mika73 2007-06-17 14:22

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Any Frodo news? :)

Mika73 2007-07-05 15:47

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Still hoping to hear something new of C64 emulator.. :)

ArnimS 2007-07-05 21:22

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
I'm waiting for the Frodo authors to reply to my email questions about their plans. Looking at the CVS, they are revising the menu system to make it much more usable.

Until that gets done, i don't see Frodo being user-friendly enough for tablet owners who are shy of the linux shell.

Grue237 2007-07-28 11:24

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
for those who mentioned a bluetooth ps3 controller, heres somethign more portable.

Jelly-0 2007-08-01 20:37

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Im going to wait untill the full GUI verson comes out- lo I hope it aint like the NES emu for 770 which is very slow.... :(

Mika73 2007-10-13 20:30

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Is there flash support for N800?

Runs with flash. :)

blachner 2007-10-24 07:57

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Hi, I just found this thread about Frodo. I'm the developer of the Frodo Zaurus port and I work also on a port for the Nokia 770.

You can found information of the Zausus port on:

There is also a GUI application for Frodo on Zaurus:

But this is based on Qt (embedded) and not useful on the Nokia devices. Fore some reasons it is also not the best solution on the Zaurus, so a SDL GUI would be the better way.


Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 46330)
(edit 05:04) Frodo Author Christian Bauer appears to have been working on an internal SDL GUI, which would avoid the problems with TK gui (creating a seperate window not registered with hildon), but no changes apparent since 2005

Yes. In my opinion SDL GUI would be the best solution for this problem. AFAIK Christian works on this for Frodo 5, but I think he don't work anymore on Frodo 5 or he don't have time to work on it.

So I decided to start SDL GUI development for Frodo 4 which is now in CVS as a first alpha version.

You can find some screenshots of Frodo with SDL GUI and a short description here:


Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 46330)
Looking at CVS now it appears the Frodo authors have a zaurus and that the sdl gui is in current development. It appears that a port with builtin gui features will be available fairly soon.

Yes I have a Zaurus and also a Nokia 770. And I'm working ont the port. Unfortunately, because we building our house, I haven't much time this year to develop on it. So I think it will take some time till the Nokia 770 port is finished.


Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 46330)
I have built a cvs version that runs now, but the fullscreen and arrow keys / dpad arrows do not work yet, so there is no user benefit over the previous release.

Yes, it allready runs on the N770. But it is not really useful, because a on screen keybord is missing. I work at the moment on this in my spare time. I will implement it also as a SDL on screen keybord and use not the meamo on screen keyboard, because it should work on other devices like the Zaurus or OpenMoko phones too.

Nevertheless I plan also to make some packages for maemo soon. At the moment mainly for testing. I set up a garage project for this:

ArnimS 2007-10-25 06:32

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
HOO-RAY! :) Thanks for the work blachner :)

It might be possible to launch xkbd from frodo via system() call and thus bind the input to frodo.

Ottertal looks pretty.

blachner 2007-10-25 11:19

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 86787)
HOO-RAY! :) Thanks for the work blachner :)

It might be possible to launch xkbd from frodo via system() call and thus bind the input to frodo.

Looks interesting. Maybe it is usable as an interim solution until the SDL on screen keyboard is finsished. I will have a closer look at this.

fanoush 2007-10-25 12:23

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Also since Frodo is 320x200+borders it would make sense to have pixel doubling enabled at least in fullscreen mode. Too bad Xsp nokia extension is unstable by design (you can't turn pixel doubling off quickly enough if system pops up some dialog ==> screen is messed) . I have somewhat working version of SDL Frodo build with pixeldoubling enabled via Xsp.

Best would be to write some generic code snippet to update screen via framebuffer ioctl like mplayer does it. One could just add such code to project and replace SDL_UpdateRect with such call. ioctl has non-sticky pixeldoubling flag valid only per specific screen update so it will not mess the screen.

Regarding the on-screen keyboard - than would be really nice. If you could code it in modular way so is can be used as a filter after calling SDL_PollEvent (i.e it would translate SDL mouse events to sdl key events) it would be really great and reusable also for many other sdl based projects.

Mika73 2007-10-27 17:59

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
PSP version of Frodo has keyboard like this. Anyway BT keyboard support would also be nice.. And still dreaming of BT joystic / PS3 controller support. N800 control pad is not good for gaming :)

mlvj 2007-10-30 15:48

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Hiya, I now have a PS3 (yay!)

Has anybody written a PS3 driver for n800/770? Has anybody got the two to pair at all? I would hope there's no encryption or anything.

Anyhow, if nobody has done anything in this area I'll have a stab

blachner 2007-10-31 07:43

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by fanoush (Post 86855)
Also since Frodo is 320x200+borders it would make sense to have pixel doubling enabled at least in fullscreen mode. Too bad Xsp nokia extension is unstable by design (you can't turn pixel doubling off quickly enough if system pops up some dialog ==> screen is messed) . I have somewhat working version of SDL Frodo build with pixeldoubling enabled via Xsp.

Yes I tried this XSP extension with Frodo after I read about it, on the mameo developer mailing list. It worked, but I think it is not really a good solution. So I decided not to use it.

Also this Xsp solution is device specific. The best way, I think, would be to implement some kind of scaling or pixel doubling directly in the Frodo code. But maybe on some devices this is to slow and device specific code is nevertheless necessary. But for me this is not the first goal for Frodo. First it should be useable than such things like a better screen resolutions on some devices would be nice.


Originally Posted by fanoush (Post 86855)
Regarding the on-screen keyboard - than would be really nice. If you could code it in modular way so is can be used as a filter after calling SDL_PollEvent (i.e it would translate SDL mouse events to sdl key events) it would be really great and reusable also for many other sdl based projects.

My solution I work on, is not an universal SDL keybord it is an on screen keybord with a C64 keybord layout.

But you are right, a generic SDL on screen keyboard would be nice. At best with changeable keybord layouts. But this would be more work to do. So I personally will concentrate on a C64 on screen keyboard.

blachner 2007-10-31 07:58

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by Mika73 (Post 87803)
PSP version of Frodo has keyboard like this. Anyway BT keyboard support would also be nice.. And still dreaming of BT joystic / PS3 controller support. N800 control pad is not good for gaming :)

Thank you for the link. This keyboard looks nicer than the solution I work on at the moment. Maybe I can use some parts of it (the graphics ;) ), if the license allows it and if is useable on higher screen resoultions (At the moment I draw the keyboard and don't use a bitmap which scales better on different screen resolutions but didn't look very nice).

Btw. Pocket Hobbit (Frodo for Pocket PC) have design study for a similar keyboard as PSP Vice. Homepage at but seems unreachable at the moment.

Mika73 2007-10-31 15:31

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by blachner (Post 88906)
Thank you for the link. This keyboard looks nicer than the solution I work on at the moment. Maybe I can use some parts of it (the graphics ;) ), if the license allows it and if is useable on higher screen resoultions (At the moment I draw the keyboard and don't use a bitmap which scales better on different screen resolutions but didn't look very nice).

Nice hear that it did help :)

I can hardly wait that C64 comes to N800 :)

hordeman 2007-11-06 17:56

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by mlvj (Post 88673)
Hiya, I now have a PS3 (yay!)

Has anybody written a PS3 driver for n800/770? Has anybody got the two to pair at all? I would hope there's no encryption or anything.

Anyhow, if nobody has done anything in this area I'll have a stab

Can you give it a stab? This may be provide some tips:

gemniii42 2007-12-17 04:17

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by hordeman (Post 91354)
Can you give it a stab? This may be provide some tips:

Did you give it a stab?

Hedgecore 2007-12-17 22:52

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
I installed it and tried it out with my brand spankin new Stowaway BT keyboard. Works awesome, though a littler cumbersome editing the config file to point to a different disk image each time I want to play a different game.

I was also at work so I couldn't take the time to map the joystick to the keyboard... so all I could do in Kickstart II was jump (and consequently fall off of a lot of fences and logs.)

Cheers for bringin the oldschool back.

dashiad 2008-01-29 18:23

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Hello...Is this project still being developed?

I was porting it from the latest Frodo version, and then discovered this thread.
The new version does include SDL menus for managing the the disk drives, and includes compilation directives for maemo.

I've been thinking in an SDL on-screen keyboard for it, but my approach now is just assign a key to type in the command to load & run the disk in drive #8, as many games just need this.(yes, i know, f keys are widely used too...)

OTOH, the emulator runs at a fairly quick speed by just refreshing the small emulator window.When i've increased the window size (and fixed buffer-misalignments), the emulation began to slow down by a 50%.Anyway, i'm pretty new to SDL, so maybe there's a smarter way to refresh the screen.

I've also had bad results with full-screen & pixel-doubling.

Is this port still in the works?If so, can i help you in any way so we get this done?

ArnimS 2008-01-30 01:37

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!

Originally Posted by blachner (Post 88902)
My solution I work on, is not an universal SDL keybord it is an on screen keybord with a C64 keybord layout.

But you are right, a generic SDL on screen keyboard would be nice. At best with changeable keybord layouts. But this would be more work to do. So I personally will concentrate on a C64 on screen keyboard.

The xkbd sources could be used for the generic sdl keyboard. This would allow
  • editable keyboard layouts
  • save coding time
  • imported xkbd layouts created by smothermunchie, myself and others

qole 2008-02-28 20:36

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
I would really appreciate a good C64 emulator with a GUI disk image chooser, running fullscreen and using the D-Pad as a joystick.

This would be far more interesting to me than all the other emulators, like DosBox or Basilisk. As I have said to many people, I've had more fun on my N800 than any computer I've owned since my C64. I would love to have the C64 back on the N800. The tiny screen and other problems (edit a text file to change disk image??!) make it not-very-usable at the moment. Getting a nice big screen is more important to me than an on-screen keyboard.

PS: No luck with FC64 (the flash-based emulator). Oh well.

ArnimS 2008-02-29 03:27

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
Xsp extension exists and works for 770, N800 and N810.

By using Xsp and an 8-bit SDL surface, you can get 60fps screen updates. Software scaling through sdl will be lower than that, as will higher bpp SDL surfaces.

There exist other options for faster screen updates, but these are also 'device specific'. While I understand that blachner is working on the main cvs tree and does not want to pollute it with device-specific hacks, I do not see this as a valid reason to reject Xsp for tablet builds of Frodo. Indeed I do not see an alternative.

Thanks for working on this

Grunchy 2008-03-17 06:58

Re: Frodo C64 Emulator is Here!
First of all, Thanks!!! This is something I dreamed of having, so many years ago....

I had a hell of a time getting this to work in this beta state. I had much experience with C64 dos but not a lot with Linux, so I am unafraid to try but it took me awhile.

You have to get X Terminal for Nokia 770:

Install that and download Frodo to your memory card and you're ready to try it.

Fire up X Term and command this:
tar -zxvf /media/mmc1/Frodo*

This will uncompress the first file starting with "Frodo" on your memory card. You could type the whole filename on your Nokia 770 virtual keyboard but this works just as good.

Next, bring up file manager and rename the folder it just created to something easy, like "F".

Go back to X Term and command:
cp -r /media/mmc1/F .

That copies the entire "F" folder to your current directory, which is /home/user.

Next, rename it:
mv F .frodorc

You'll see it is gone if you command "ls". Try "ls -a" instead, and scroll up to see all the listings.

Change into the new folder:
cd .frodorc

Lastly, start the emulator:

As I say, it took me awhile (like, 7 months) to get it started. PLEASE continue with Frodo. I don't have a bluetooth keyboard so that is as far as I got, but it is SO close, it would be a real shame to stop now.

I hope this inspires a couple more 'old neophytes' to give it a shot & post a word of encouragement.

Best of luck!

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