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Dave999 2013-05-23 20:59

Please order now and make the world a better place and show the world and the mobile vendors that you care for more than OS, Features and screens.

Let's hope the big vendors follow suit.

Artyom 2013-05-23 21:50

Re: Fairphone
i must buy one. it has android and a quad core chipset. it has android and a quad core chipset. it has android and a quad core chipset...

Dave999 2013-05-24 05:23

Re: Fairphone
Yes, I hope this will be an important factor in the future.

nokiabot 2013-05-24 05:47

Re: Fairphone
Same nothing new whats of intrest there?? Dave

btw only commented coz its using mtk chipset:p my fav for feature phones its the best in class you know it the moment you touch spd mstar or rdx whatsever:)

Bundyo 2013-05-24 06:05

Re: Fairphone

A seriously cool smartphone that puts social values first
Social has values? That is new.

Kangal 2013-05-24 06:14

Re: Fairphone
This is simply not realistic, puny humans are greedy rodents


juiceme 2013-05-24 10:18

Re: Fairphone
I'd say this is an intresting concept, given that lots of people are into fair-trade goods. I have to confess I myself buy only fair-trade coffee and tend to also buy other imported foodstuffs as fair-trade if available.

How is the visibility going to be verified, would there be need for an organization certifying fair-trade electronics :D

On another trend, as I also am into local grown food [I don't really know what's the english term, in finnish it is "lähiruoka" which means supporting your neighbourhood farmers or growing your own groceries (and animals too...)]
Would there be popular demand for "local grown phones" also? :p

Lumiaman 2013-05-24 10:45

Re: Fairphone
With 3D printing, you may be able to be as local as your house:). Its funny how trends transcend borders, buy local is a theme that many restaurants in US use as advertising gimmick.....

thedead1440 2013-05-24 10:45

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1346356)
Let's hope the big vendors follow suit.

A good read too...

pichlo 2013-05-24 11:02

Re: Fairphone
The English term is... "locally grown food" :) It is curious that a language that likes creating acronyms for everything has not come up with a single word for this.

I used to prefer buying local products of any kind over imported. Not just food, but also cosmetics and other stuff, including cars and electronics if available. Somehow it also turned out cheaper. But then I moved to the UK and to my surprise found much less choice. You can buy about 10 varieties of Procter&Gamble washing powder but nothing else. This country is more in the grip of large corporations who push the prices down by enforcing such uniformity.

anthonie 2013-05-24 11:05

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1346502)
With 3D printing, you may be able to be as local as your house:). Its funny how trends transcend borders, buy local is a theme that many restaurants in US use as advertising gimmick.....

The fact that "average americans" don't get the idea, doesn't mean it's worthless. I've heard that argument (it's a gimmick, the world is global now) being made so often, and yet small scale works, as it keeps people involved while maintaining a feel of responsibility.

Dave999 2013-06-06 11:56

Re: Fairphone
I'm truly glad they got 5000+ Pre-Orders. And it's a hidden surprise in the phone...

Join the movment...LOL! Same theme as jolla ;)

mikecomputing 2013-06-06 16:44

Re: Fairphone
Yet another Android piece of ****.

Whats wrong with all those new phone companys and emedded engineers this days. ****ing Android everywhere. On cameras, on embedded platforms and so on. Come with something FRESH for got sake!

Dave999 2013-06-06 16:58

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1350028)
Yet another Android piece of ****.

Whats wrong with all those new phone companys and emedded engineers this days. ****ing Android everywhere. On cameras, on embedded platforms and so on. Come with something FRESH for got sake!

I say this is a real moment, above spec and OS. Jolla is just another vendor looking for profit. They should have included this concept in their movement.

pichlo 2013-06-06 17:03

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1350028)
Yet another Android piece of ****.

You know what, this is exactly what I thought and for that very reason and the high price they won't get my business.

OTOH, they can't afford to experiment, they just have to go mainstream.

So I applaud the initiative even though I won't buy their phone. Just yet.

skanky 2013-09-23 21:09

Re: Fairphone

We are launching with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean with Fairphone-specific features. As we are a new product, we don’t want to take too many risks on the OS so we want a balance between stability and openness. We want to offer a very stable product for our customers, so we have decided to go with Android. But not just the ordinary version, but something that the talented people at Kwame have created to add a more simplified use and experience for the user. We also want a system that supports dual SIM (Android does; others don’t), as this is in line with our core vision (less phones, more value in second-life markets like Africa). We are working with the amazing guys at Kwame to develop some special features on top of Android 4.2. We will have more details about the Fairphone OS, but for now check out Kwame’s slidedeck that they presented at DroidCon Berlin. Or read our blog recap of that event.

We are planning to launch the phone with root access for the user (rootable), so they can decide for themselves which operating system they want to install after some hard coding. At this point, we really need the support of open-source communities – people who develop for Firefox and Ubuntu – to help us optimize our device for these operating systems. For further info about our search for an open OS, check out our post on our trip to Mobile World Congress.

Think they had to put Android on it, really. The potential moves to other OS's though are worth keeping an eye on.

They might be receptive to putting Maemo on it. ;)

Dave999 2013-09-23 21:43

Re: Fairphone
Love fairphone. As long as they keep it fair..

Mentalist Traceur 2013-09-23 22:35

Re: Fairphone
After a cursory glance (I'd really need to look around their site more, etc, before finalizing my opinion - for instance yeah they get their tin from the conflict-free mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo, but IIRC, the DRC isn't actually all that democratic and has some serious problems - I could be mistaken though, so would need to look it up more), I think it looks really cool.

If I had the money to throw around, and they were available for the USA right now, I would gladly get one just on principle, even if it weren't going to be my main phone. But as neither of the above conditions are met, I'm going to wait and see and hope they are successful.

Rocketval 2013-09-23 23:00

Re: Fairphone
Why should I buy a Fairphone instead of Xiaomi??

ed00 2013-09-24 03:17

Re: Fairphone
AndroidOpen Source

Dave999 2013-09-24 04:56

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by ed00 (Post 1376362)
AndroidOpen Source

this not about oses or open source .it more if a test balloon for more fair phones.

zapotek 2013-09-24 09:05

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur (Post 1376342)
After a cursory glance (I'd really need to look around their site more, etc, before finalizing my opinion - for instance yeah they get their tin from the conflict-free mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo, but IIRC, the DRC isn't actually all that democratic and has some serious problems - I could be mistaken though, so would need to look it up more), I think it looks really cool.

If I had the money to throw around, and they were available for the USA right now, I would gladly get one just on principle, even if it weren't going to be my main phone. But as neither of the above conditions are met, I'm going to wait and see and hope they are successful.

i was born in ZAIRE now is DRC when i was 7 civil war strike and left. DRC it's not conflict-free

zimon 2013-09-24 12:22

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by ed00 (Post 1376362)
AndroidOpen Source

It has relatively more open source code than Maemo ever had or Jolla Sailfish ever will.

herpderp 2013-09-24 14:54

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 1376418)

It has relatively more open source code than Maemo ever had or Jolla Sailfish ever will.

Welcome to TMO, where facts like this don't matter, and anything is worse than Maemo.

Mentalist Traceur 2013-09-24 20:05

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 1376418)

It has relatively more open source code than Maemo ever had or Jolla Sailfish ever will.

Thank you for tha post. I was gonna say something about that comment regarding Android and open source-ness. Decided not to just for sheer time constraints and not having the motivation to bother.


Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1376434)
Welcome to TMO, where facts like this don't matter, and anything is worse than Maemo.

Oh please. You'll find random dogmatic stances like that, with hypocrisy added to taste, everywhere.

Dave999 2014-06-10 19:12

Re: Fairphone
Time to be fair. Get it now!

Buy a phone. Join a movement...Eco :D

xanderx 2014-06-10 19:56

Re: Fairphone
The screen's gonna be better than JPhone's one. Double sim - nice!

Dave999 2014-06-10 19:59

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by xanderx (Post 1429072)
The screen's gonna be better than JPhone's one. Double sim - nice!

What? That's not fair! :D

pichlo 2014-06-11 18:08

Re: Fairphone
They might call it "fair", but it is still an Android phone. "Fair" cannot justify the €310 price tag. Not to mention that the b100dy specs pages flip so fast that I had to flip each of them back 2 to 3 times to finish reading it.

backcover_press_service 2014-06-11 18:43

Re: Fairphone
I think that they justified price tag by high cost of ensuring "fair" (conflict free) resources used and small production scale, just like Neo900 justified even higher price tag by even smaller production scale, before tha latter flopped.

Now, users are rather used (sic) to much lower prices, from companies that doesn't care much from supply chain, and order hundred of thousands devices from factories braking workers right in totally undemocratic country (China).

Now, I don't try to justify (or claim unjust) their price tag - I simply have no idea how much it "should" cost. But I suspect much more than "unfair" device from big manufacturer, of comparable specs. Twice as much seems probable.

pichlo 2014-06-11 20:47

Re: Fairphone
Don't get me wrong, I am not objecting to the price tag per se. I can understand where it comes from. Jolla is even dearer and I never said a word about it.

What I object to is that, with all the fairness, responsible resourcing and all that jazz, it is still just an Android phone. In other words, there is nothing special about it that makes me want to break my legs in the rush to buy it.

Make the same device but put some interesting OS on it and I might consider it.

wicket 2014-06-11 22:32

Re: Fairphone
Sorry for the off-topic post but I feel this has to said.


Originally Posted by backcover_press_service (Post 1429209)
I think that they justified price tag by high cost of ensuring "fair" (conflict free) resources used and small production scale, just like Neo900 justified even higher price tag by even smaller production scale, before tha latter flopped.

Estel, seriously, you're not fooling anyone with your new name, it wouldn't be the first time you've created a new user whilst banned. Please stop spreading FUD about the Neo900, especially in unrelated threads. The Neo900 project is still very much alive and has not flopped as you say.

Anyone would think you want a permanent ban with your continued behaviour. Personally, I don't want to see you banned as I do value many of your posts. Just behave yourself!

imaginaryenemy 2014-06-12 02:15


Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1429223)
What I object to is that, with all the fairness, responsible resourcing and all that jazz, it is still just an Android phone. In other words, there is nothing special about it that makes me want to break my legs in the rush to buy it.

I think that's the point. It's special because of how it's made. For some people, knowing their purchases don't negatively impact others makes it very special.

ste-phan 2014-06-12 04:44

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by imaginaryenemy (Post 1429238)
I think that's the point. It's special because of how it's made. For some people, knowing their purchases don't negatively impact others makes it very special.

In that case I think the OS should also be "fair" and proven not to negatively impact others.

vetsin 2014-06-12 05:05

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by ste-phan (Post 1429240)
In that case I think the OS should also be "fair" and proven not to negatively impact others.

I think you should check how negatively conflict minerals are affecting people before posting this kind of comment... I can't see how software can have the same impact.

There's a mainstream movie about this too:

ste-phan 2014-06-12 05:28

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by vetsin (Post 1429242)
I think you should check how negatively conflict minerals are affecting people before posting this kind of comment... I can't see how software can have the same impact.

There's a mainstream movie about this too:

I am aware of the issues, yet the OS used in the fairphone has has been notoriously known for inducing a mad hardware upgrade fever cycle.

All devices use the same OS software and try to diversify and "innovate" through small minor hardware upgrades.

You can't blame an N900 or N9 user to be the conflict mineral hog, and imagine if the respective Maemo OS would have seen some more love and support by its creators. Those devices could have had a 10 year life cycle.

Let's not even begin to reason how the OS in the Fairphone negatively affects people through its spy activities.

vetsin 2014-06-12 08:52

Re: Fairphone
that's a nice perspective but I think no matter what the OS is, it's the marketing people that will push the upgrade cycle with whatever reason they can think of.

ste-phan 2014-06-12 12:34

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by vetsin (Post 1429267)
that's a nice perspective but I think no matter what the OS is, it's the marketing people that will push the upgrade cycle with whatever reason they can think of.


Fair trade is becoming a marketing term quickly.

IMO owning a Fairphone out of ethical principles means you'd want hold on to it as long as you can.

So Fairphone users, gather at ,demand commitment by a fair(er) OS maker to support your hardware patform.

More choice in software options means wider support, less user boredom and prolonged device life cycle.

Currently amongst others, the "old" Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE will be recycled by Sailfish OS. I think Fairphone might want to be in that list.

Current vacuum of more or less essential applications for Sailfish due to developers having no central way to get paid for their efforts could be filled by other developers' software supporting the fair principle.

10 essential free fairapps for Fairphone supporters using Sailfish (later optionally payable for other Sailfish users) Just a silly marketing idea?

Dave999 2014-06-14 12:41

Re: Fairphone

Originally Posted by ste-phan (Post 1429298)

Fair trade is becoming a marketing term quickly.

IMO owning a Fairphone out of ethical principles means you'd want hold on to it as long as you can.

So Fairphone users, gather at ,demand commitment by a fair(er) OS maker to support your hardware patform.

More choice in software options means wider support, less user boredom and prolonged device life cycle.

Currently amongst others, the "old" Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE will be recycled by Sailfish OS. I think Fairphone might want to be in that list.

Current vacuum of more or less essential applications for Sailfish due to developers having no central way to get paid for their efforts could be filled by other developers' software supporting the fair principle.

10 essential free fairapps for Fairphone supporters using Sailfish (later optionally payable for other Sailfish users) Just a silly marketing idea?

Yeah, Jolla could work some more on their fairness and the awesomeness will come to them.

My hope is that others like sail ,ubuntu, tizen looking more into the issues about fairness in the future, all thx to fairphone. Also that customers cares about the environmental implications of the industry.

FlashInTheNight86 2014-06-16 14:27

Re: Fairphone
Dave999, advertising with such effort an Android-only device on Maemo forum is similar to saying Thank you, Satan! aloud in God's church. =s

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