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garen 2010-12-06 07:15

I feel segregated...
So apparently Android users get Angry Birds for free. Not just the first level like us, the WHOLE game. That really grinds my gears.

kureyon 2010-12-06 11:36

Re: I feel segregated...
So DON'T buy Angry Birds then, that'll show them.

slender 2010-12-06 12:02

Re: I feel segregated...
And how much did you pay for N900? Speaking about relativity of things. I cant deny that you might actually feel really really bad, but I would recommend on doing some kind of calibration because I can guarantee that your life is going to be full of HUUUUGE disappointments on that attitude.

zenecho 2010-12-06 13:07

Re: I feel segregated...
I thought the Android version was free as it has inline adverts within the game!

garen 2010-12-07 00:54

Re: I feel segregated...

Originally Posted by slender (Post 890525)
And how much did you pay for N900? Speaking about relativity of things. I cant deny that you might actually feel really really bad, but I would recommend on doing some kind of calibration because I can quarantine that your life is going to be full of HUUUUGE disappointments on that attitude.

I got it for free from a friend, and what will quarantining my life do?

slender 2010-12-07 01:07

Re: I feel segregated...
As native speaker you probably understood that I meant guarantee.

And I also thought that Android version has ads.

Creamy Goodness 2010-12-07 01:39

Re: I feel segregated...
it DOES have ads, and they don't even have a paid version yet
the ads are projected to generate over a million dollars per month for rovio
can you imagine how annoying that would be? I'm happy to pay a dollar to not see ads on my phone...
the one thing i learned from installing nitdroid: google makes it way to easy to ruin the platform with ****ing ads everywhere. not impressed. this game doesn't even work without an internet connection now. HAH.

Laughing Man 2010-12-07 02:08

Re: I feel segregated...
The reason why they haven't done a paid version is they find it more profitable to do an ad version. Distributing a paid version may result in it being widely pirated reducing advertisement profits.

Kangal 2010-12-07 04:08

Re: I feel segregated...

Originally Posted by Creamy Goodness (Post 891116)
it DOES have ads, and they don't even have a paid version yet
the ads are projected to generate over a million dollars per month for rovio
can you imagine how annoying that would be? I'm happy to pay a dollar to not see ads on my phone...
the one thing i learned from installing nitdroid: google makes it way to easy to ruin the platform with ****ing ads everywhere. not impressed. this game doesn't even work without an internet connection now. HAH.

This seems pretty high. Maybe it meant Rovio will get $12M in 12months (hence $1M/month) when you add in the profit from both platforms. If the sales on iOS add to $8M, then the Android version may only be making $4M. Which is ~$330,000/month, still a good income if you ask me.

And also consider this is from completely FREE version. Getting $330,000 every month just from the ads seems mental. If I am wrong and it actually is $1M/month just from the ads, then God save us all!

YoDude 2010-12-07 05:02

Re: I feel segregated...
Or consider this...

Birds on the iPhone was $ .99 I believe.

For the longest time it showcased the capabilities of the IPhone. Particularly for those who didn't know what to do with their shiny new $200 + 2 years before the mast as indentured servants of AT&T or whoever their carrier was, toy...
Many of them sat in the corner playing the dang game and nothing much more until iFart or the next way-cool app was available for $ .99.

iPhone users learned to check the iStore early and often. Rovio learned where the gold was but had to give away the lions share of it to the Prince of Apple Land.

A demo was ported to the N900 for freakin' FREE that showcased what Rovio could do with other platforms. Particularly ones that ran quicker and had better displays. N900 users broke into two camps. The "gimme. gimme, gimme some more for nothing" group and the "lets see how this is done" group. Some N900 users learned from it. Others became just as obsessed with "levels" as the the iPhone users did. Rovio learned that the real gold was in that obsession, and the eyeball hang time that resulted from it...

Google learned what that "hang time" was worth and showed Rovio how to capitalize upon it. I don't think that this empirical data would have been available to them from Apple.

Rovio now offers the app for free and Android users learn that they now have unexplained urges for cheeseburgers, Mountain Dew, Spike TV, and what ever else is advertised while they play the dang thing. :D

The N900 may have been a very useful Capitalist Tool in all this. A catalyst, if you will. ;)

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