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robthebold 2017-03-09 16:05

How does Sailfish Contacts find contact pictures?
This is a mere curiosity, but I wonder if anyone knows what's going on . . .

I've been using SFOS since I got a OnePlus X last year and flashed it with Since bluetooth address book syncing wasn't working in this version of the port, I'm just using my gmail account and the contacts that I had previously stored there on the phone. I wasn't surprised when a picture of my Mom got attached to her contact, since I assumed that it grabbed the image from her G+ account.

However, recently my wife's contact got an image of her (my wife) attached to it. She called one day and I was surprised to see that background of her smiling face dressed as she had for Halloween 2015. She has a gmail account, but that one's not in my gmail contacts list. If I look at my gmail contacts online on a desktop browser, I see that it only has her hotmail address, and google hasn't given that contact a picture like it has some other contacts based on such things as phone number, employer, etc.

So where did it find the photo? I've got a few dozen contacts, but the two women mentioned are the only ones with pictures. It's a cool trick, but how was it done?

nieldk 2017-03-09 19:20

Re: How does Sailfish Contacts find contact pictures?
Well, do you have sync with hotmail? SFOS syncs with many soutces. Well, more :)

look here

robthebold 2017-03-09 21:03

Re: How does Sailfish Contacts find contact pictures?
I don't have a hotmail account to sync with, so it's not hotmail. At least I don't see how. And I'm not familiar with most of the stuff I'm reading about in the buteo docs so far . . .

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