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griffbrad 2007-02-14 23:21

Bluetooth DUN Fails Sprint RAZR V3M
Just got a RAZR V3M from Sprint and I can't get the Bluetooth DUN working with my n800. It pairs fine. I can do file transfers from the file manager app. And when I try to connect, it asks permission on the phone, which I grant. Immediately after that, though, I get a "Internet Connection failed. Try again?" on my n800. Please help!

binjinx 2007-02-14 23:59

Re: Bluetooth DUN Fails Sprint RAZR V3M
Humm havent played with a razor yet but handset might be locked i know sprint was suppose to start using dual NAI in handsets (so they can see/bill people using the handset as a modem who werent paying for it) the older handsets can pair easy and dont need to be setup as handset-as-modem plan

Are you paying for that feature (handset as modem) if so call tech support

If not what you'd expect if your not paying for the feature?

griffbrad 2007-02-15 01:58

Re: Bluetooth DUN Fails Sprint RAZR V3M
Yeah. I have the unlimited phone as modem plan. Support said they can't help with
"PDA's." I'll mess with it more later.

griffbrad 2007-02-15 05:14

Re: Bluetooth DUN Fails Sprint RAZR V3M
Got it working! I'll post a how-to on the maemo wiki in the morning.

datjeweler 2007-02-15 18:34

Re: Bluetooth DUN Fails Sprint RAZR V3M
what kind of speeds are you seeing with the n800 tethered with the razr?

griffbrad 2007-02-15 18:49

Re: Bluetooth DUN Fails Sprint RAZR V3M
Well, my area doesn't have EVDO yet, so I'm getting slightly better than dial-up speeds (93kbps). However, they are supposed to roll out EVDO Rev. A here this summer. By the way, the wiki how-to will have to go up later today. Kind of hectic.

schmots 2007-02-15 19:06

Re: Bluetooth DUN Fails Sprint RAZR V3M
I have a slvr I can't get it to work with. Hope your wiki helps me as well

griffbrad 2007-02-15 20:36

Re: Bluetooth DUN Fails Sprint RAZR V3M
Here is a rough first draft:

This is a recounting of my experience getting my new Sprint-brander Razr v3m online using Bluetooth DUN and a Nokia n800. The process really isn't that complicated. However, because there is little to no documentation and Sprint doesn't offer support for Bluetooth DUN on any device let alone a third-party "Internet Tablet," it's a little frustrating.
Also, one caveat, I have the "Unlimited Phone as Modem" plan from Sprint. I'm not sure if you can use Bluetooth DUN without this plan, as I've never tried.
First, lets pair the phone with the n800. One your phone turn Bluetooth on and from the same menu choose the "Find Me" option. This will make your phone discoverable for a few minutes, so that the n800 can find it. Then, on the n800, go the the control panel and choose "Phone." Choose the "New" button and select your phone from the list that appears.
The n800 will bring up a dialog allowing you to pair the two devices. Choose OK to initiate the pairing and then when your phone prompts you, enter the 4 digit code that was presented to you on the n800. The two devices are now paired and can communicate.
At this point, you should be able to browse the phone's files using the n800's File Manager.
Now, on the n800's Control Panel, choose the "Mobile Operator Setup Wizard" from the Tools section of the menu. Follow this, choosing your country, CDMA, and Sprint.
Then, go to the Connectivity tool of the Control Panel and choose the Connections button from the resulting window. There should be a connection list that contains an entry for your phone (by default titled "Sprint"). Select this connection and then press the "Edit" button.
Select "Packet Data" on the first page, then on the second page, put #777 into the "Dial-up Number" box, your phone number into the "Username" box, and your "MySprint" password into the "Password" box. If you do not know your "MySprint" password, go to to create/recover one.
Now, on your phone, ensure that you have Sprint's PowerVision service enabled and after that choose the "Update Vision Profile" option at the bottom of the same section. This failed a couple of times when I did it, but it eventually went through properly.
Finally, you should be able to connect. Choose your Sprint connect on the n800, grant permission for the DUN gateway using your phone, and enjoy the mobile Internet goodness.
One final tip: In the Bluetooth settings of your phone, there is a "Device History" section. By editing the Access Settings for the n800 in that section, you can eliminate the need to grant access to DUN each time you connect. That way, you can hop online without pulling your phone out of your pocket to press the "OK" button.
I hope this how-to will be helpful to someone. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

schmots 2007-02-15 20:48

Re: Bluetooth DUN Fails Sprint RAZR V3M
Really helpful.. and something I might try to play around with a bit with cingular

jdk410 2007-02-26 21:40

Re: Bluetooth DUN Fails Sprint RAZR V3M
Thanks for the step by step.

I just canceled my T-mobile service and got a free RAZR v3m from Sprint with $39 unlimited phone as modem. I am in the Baltimore area which has EV-DO and am getting 618 kbs down and 50 kbs up in the suburbs. The area is supposed to be upgraded to revision A - so I may get even better speeds closer to the city.

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