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Eiden 2012-01-11 15:41

[Help] Failing to install Mer on Virtual machine
1 Attachment(s)
I made Mer iso file and I tried to install on virtual machine.
But failed to install Mer.
I can't understand why failing it.

Could you advise me wrong point of my procedure to make iso file.
Please advise me wrong point of my procedure to make iso file or reasons for failure.

My procedure is following.

1.install software for build
sudo apt-get install yum rpm kpartx parted syslinux isomd5sum kvm zlib1g-dev squashfs-tools python2.6-dev qemu-arm-static python-urlgrabber

2.Add package source
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
deb /

3.import the key
Open System->Administrator->Software Sources.

sudo apt-get update

5.install mic2
sudo apt-get install mic2

6.make work directory
sudo mkdir /var/cache/mic

7.make bootstrap directory

8.make bootstrap
sudo mic-create-bootstrap -n trunk -k /var/cache/mic -r -o /var/cache/meego-bootstrap kickstart file
wget nemo-handset-i586-testing-0.20111128.3.CE.2011-12-01.2.ks

10.make iso file.
sudo mic-image-creator --format=livecd --cache=/var/cache/mic --mainrepo=mer-core --arch=i586 --config=nemo-handset-i586-testing-0.20111128.3.CE.2011-12-01.2.ks --bootstrap=/var/cache/meego-bootstrap/

I attached virtual machine error display.

skykooler 2012-01-11 16:20

Re: [Help] Failing to install Mer on Virtual machine
Maybe the image is corrupted?

don_falcone 2012-01-11 16:49

Re: [Help] Failing to install Mer on Virtual machine
I'm pretty sure that VirtualBox is not the way to go for embedded Linux - would try it under Qemu instead.

Stskeeps 2012-01-11 18:57

Re: [Help] Failing to install Mer on Virtual machine
VirtualBox works fine for embedded linux:

His mistake (talked on IRC) was to make an image without LLVMpipe installed

Eiden 2012-01-12 14:03

Re: [Help] Failing to install Mer on Virtual machine
Thanks for everyone to reply.

I installed llvm-dev in my PC and tried to install on Virtual box.
But the result is failure.
I could have installed completely on Virtual box but fail to boot.
I tried to install on qemu , but fail to install.

I checked kickstart file and I found that qemu-arm-static version was checked whether it's version is over 0.14 or not.

Is qemu-arm-static Ver.0.14 needed for making iso file?

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