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Originally Posted by shawnjefferson View Post
My understanding is that each LED can only be assigned to one engine (there's a check in MCE led.c for this that ignores a pattern that tries to assign a led to two engines), so wouldn't a three digit format work? First digit is Red LED, second is Green, third is Blue.

For example:

112 = Red + Green on engine1, Blue on Engine 32
111 = All on Engine 1
123 = Red on 1, Green on 2, Blue on 3.

then tack on another pattern to the end of the ini string like has already been suggested for the engine3 pattern.
Yes, all absolutely in line with what I thought, I can live without fading effect for kbd *). Just we have 9 leds total, 3 in indicator LED (RGB) plus 6 LEDs in kbd. thus a 9-digit string for new mux-pattern, one digit for each LED. To simplify we may allow the following shorthand: format is 9 digits 0..3 : RGB123456 with (R,G,B) = indicator LED and (1..6) = kbd-LED1..6, and any mux string of less than 9 digits is extended to 9 by appending the required amount of "0". "231" means "231000000" which says R=engine2 G=engine3 B=engine1 and all kbd not assigned to any engine. Note that "000" is also a valid pattern, meaning that none of indicator LEDs (and implicitly by extension none of kbd-LEDs) is assigned to any engine.

To allow for backward compatibility, new mce shall search for a section "[LEDPatternLystiRX51-new-mce]" first, and then search "[LEDPatternLystiRX51]" if the required key isn't found in yet. IOW mce scans both "[LEDPatternLystiRX51-new-mce]" and "[LEDPatternLystiRX51]" in this sequence, and any definition of a key can't get overridden by a later identical definition.
Thus you can keep new syntax patterns in "[LEDPatternLystiRX51-new-mce]" and allow the file to still work with old mce as well. Or you use new syntax in "[LEDPatternLystiRX51]" and forget about old mce

you nevertheless might consider defining a constant key name for/like "PatternKbdOn" and "PatternKbdOff" which get called by mce whenever kbd backlight status changes accordingly.

sample mce.ini (also see attachment)
# List of patterns for the LED functionality
# A list of all pattern names that should be configured


# Section for new MCE. Stock MCE will ignore this section.
# New pattern syntax goes here to keep it out of the classical [LEDPatternLystiRX51] section for backward compatibility, though that's not mandatory.
# Any pattern in this section overrides a pattern with same name in [LEDPatternLystiRX51] section.
# Pattern names in here need to get declared in "[LED] LEDPatterns=..." just like the classical patterns in [LEDPatternLystiRX51]
# Priority (0 - highest, 255 - lowest)
# ScreenOn - 0 only show pattern when the display is off
#            1 show pattern even when the display is on
#            2 only show pattern when the display is off, including acting dead
#            3 show pattern even when the display is on, including acting dead
#            4 only show pattern if the display is off, or if in acting dead
#            5 always show pattern, even if LED disabled
# Timeout in seconds before pattern is disabled, 0 for infinite - [[++]] decimals allowed: "0.5" = 500ms 
# LED mux to map each LED to either none (0) or to Engine 1/Engine 2/Engine3
#        1 to 9 digits, short strings get filled to length 9 by appending zeroes
#        Meaning of each of the 9 positions is: 
#        R G B kbd1 kbd2 kbd3 kbd4 kbd5 kbd6
#        Example:
#            "031010020" maps the red LED to none, 
#                               green LED to engine 3,
#                               blue LED to engine 1,
#                               kbd backlight LED1, 3, 4, 6 to none,
#                               kbd LED2 to engine 1, and kbd LED5 to engine 2
#        Do not mix the new mux syntax consisting of digits "0".."3" with the old "rGB" syntax in one pattern!
# Engine 1 pattern in Lysti format (31 commands at most) - one step used internally to store muxmap used by 9d80 cmd  
# Engine 2 pattern in Lysti format (32 commands at most)
# Engine 3 pattern in Lysti format (32 commands at most)
#        empty patters allowed (;;), such empty patterns shall not change the state of the according machine.
#        A pattern of "-" changes the meaning of "0" in LED mux: an LED previously assigned to this engine will not get reassigned to none when "0" in LED mux 

# Kbd fade in 250ms; engine3; patterns for engine1/2 empty+no-remux, thus any pattern running in engine1/2 and using RGB will continue  
Note: depending on the way LED-Pattern-Editor and other programs that change mce.ini work, it might be necessary to insert [LEDPatternLystiRX51-new-mce] before [LEDPatternLystiRX51], so that [Vibrator] section follows the original [LEDPatternLystiRX51]

A note from my local mce.ini about the 1-step entry in program memory for mux table:
# OK, let's get fancy
# 9d80 allegedly init for mux. 1001 1101 1000 0000 is mux_map_next
# In fact lp5523 driver creates a mux table of one entry length, so
# mux_map_next will spin index in one point and will reload same
# mapping which is pointed to by mux_ld_start and mux_ld_end
# mux_ld_start: 1001 1110 0sss ssss; sssssss = SRAM start addr (0-95)
# mux_ld_end: 1001 1100 1sss ssss; sssssss = SRAM end addr (0-95)
# lp5523 driver executes a short program to load the mapping
# from engineX_leds to the location of mux_ld_start
# Later we might want to use mux_sel to associate _ONE_ LED directly:
# mux_sel: 1001 1101 0bbb bbbb; bbbbbbb = int (0-16), 0=nothing,
# (1-9)=LED1-9; 16=GPO
Attached Files
File Type: txt new-mce.ini.txt (3.8 KB, 85 views)
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2014-01-30 at 10:23.

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