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Posts: 215 | Thanked: 348 times | Joined on May 2011
On my quest for lightweight browsers I found this gem

Why choose NetSurf?


Efficiency lies at the heart of the NetSurf engine, allowing it to
outwit the heavyweights of the web browser world. The NetSurf team continue to squeeze more speed out of their code.

Interface innovation

Simple to use and easy to grasp, NetSurf significantly raised the bar for user interface design on the RISC OS platform. Designed carefully by RISC OS users and developers to integrate well with the desktop, NetSurf is seen as the benchmark for future applications. NetSurf pioneered the concept of web page thumbnailing, offering an intuitive graphical tree-like view of visited web sites.

Lean requirements

From a modern monster PC to a humble 30MHz ARM 6 computer with 16MB of RAM, the web browser will keep you surfing
the web whatever your system. Originally written for computer hardware normally found in PDAs, cable TV boxes, mobile phones and other hand-held gadgets, NetSurf is compact and low maintenance by design.


NetSurf can be built for a number of modern computer platforms 'out of the box'. Written in C, with portability in mind, NetSurf is developed by programmers from a wide range of computing backgrounds, ensuring it remains available for as many users as possible.

Standards compliant

Despite a myriad of standards to support, NetSurf makes surfing the web enjoyable and stress-free by striving for complete standards compliancy. As an actively developed project, NetSurf aims to stay abreast of new and upcoming web technologies.

World anyone be willing to port it for maemo?