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Qwerty works out of the box, that's for sure. You should be able to use a qwertz USB keyboard on a qwertz Proš too, but given the unusual qwertz xkb implementation on the Proš, I assume you would need to toggle between two different xkb layouts: one for builtin keyboard with the offset, one for external keyboard. Xfce4 as well as i3wm should have support for that.

Here's how to do it (I think). From SFOS terminal, copy the "pro1" xkb file to the container:

devel-su cp -r /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/fxtec_vndr /home/.lxc/<containername>/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/fxtec_vndr
I use a modified version of "pro1", submitted in this PR on Github and merged today, so it will be in the next update. It should fix a few issues with the previous file, and adds an extra us-intl called "us2" with more dead keys (useful in chroot and LXC for those who like dead keys like me, or for Havoc terminal, but not other SFOS apps). The previous file just has "ru", "de" and "us" with fewer dead keys.

Then, in your i3 configuration file, add:

# Use layout for builtin keyboard as default
exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap -model fxtecpro1 -layout fxtec_vndr/pro1 -variant de

# Add keybindings to switch between layouts for builtin and usb keyboards
bindsym Ctrl+Space exec "setxkbmap -model fxtecpro1 -layout fxtec_vndr/pro1 -variant de"
bindsym Shift+Ctrl+Space exec "setxkbmap de"
If you use xfce4, a similar approach with both layouts could be used as well using the "keyboard" application GUI to add both the vanilla de and the pro1 de.

The idea would be to use the layout for the builtin keyboard by default when the Desktop Environment is started, and the normal qwertz layout for USB keyboards when pressing Shift+Ctrl+Space. Ctrl+Space would revert to the builtin keyboard layout again. If you want to test first, just try running the commands manually in the container and please report back.

For us-intl users, use just this if you want the variant with more dead keys in your i3 container and use Caps Lock as compose key:

exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap -model fxtecpro1 -layout fxtec_vndr/pro1 -variant us2 -option -rules evdev lv3:ralt_switch,compose:caps
Optional if you want "us2" in native SFOS apps too + a way to switch back to "us" with Alt+Space from SFOS (but really, "us2" is useful in LXC and chroot only, not really in native apps except Havoc if you installed the compose-deadkeys package from

dconf write /desktop/lipstick-jolla-home/layout \"fxtec_vndr/pro1\(us\),fxtec_vndr/pro1\(us2\)\"
dconf write /desktop/lipstick-jolla-home/options \"grp:alt_space_toggle\"
dconf write /desktop/lipstick-jolla-home/model "'fxtecpro1'"
Changing input language in the SFOS GUI later will revert this (including the toggle option).


We have mouse support too (all buttons and scroll wheel work), but so far we haven't found a way to display the cursor icon, or to rotate the mouse into landscape orientation (xinput doesn't seem to work with xwayland, and Wayland doesn't offer as many customization options).

HDMI out would be the next step, but Illyria doesn't know for sure yet if that would be doable.

(I posted the same video and some pics in the Proš thread some weeks ago when I just finished configuring the container, no one noticed it! :O)

-- Posted from Debian Sid i3. :>

Last edited by Kabouik; 2020-08-04 at 15:41.

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